What are secondary impression materials?

What are secondary impression materials?

Materials described include irreversible hydrocolloid, reversible hydrocolloid, polysulfide, condensation reaction silicone, addition reaction silicone, polyether, and alginate substitutes. The design principles and methods for making custom impression trays are described.

What is a secondary impression in dentistry?

Secondary Impression is made using zinc Oxide and Eugenol impression material The impression is inserted in mouth and held under biting pressure for one or two minutes. Borders are molded by asking the patient to perform functional movements. Technique. 51. Border Mold Accurate Registration of Peripheries for Retention.

What are the different types of impression materials?

This article will discuss the 3 most common classifications of impression materials: polyether (PE), vinyl polysiloxane (VPS), and a hybrid material called vinyl polyether siloxane (VPES).

What is the difference between primary and secondary impression in dentistry?

The primary impression is a concise statement describing the symptom, problem, or condition that is the reason for a medical encounter. A secondary impression is a second, less severe problem with the patient, which may or may not be directly related to the primary impression.

What kind of impression materials are used in dentistry?

Dental Nurse Network. There are four main types of impression material that are routinely used in dentistry. They can be categorised into either rigid impression materials (zinc oxide eugenol and impression compound) or elastic impression materials (alginate and silicone).

How are secondary impressions taken in a denture?

Secondary impressions are mostly taken with what is known as a ‘special tray’. This is a tray that is constructed on the model of your teeth to fit your mouth and no-one elses. It allows for overupted teeth and those that are out of position and is extended to record the full detail of your sulcus (where your jaw and cheeks meet.

When do you not need a secondary impression?

Sometimes if the primary impression is that good and no teeth modifications are needed, you can get away without having to have a secondary impression. The material used for this will depend on the choice of the dentist and the practice.

What’s the name of the tray for secondary impressions?

Secondary impressions are mostly taken with what is known as a ‘special tray’. This is a tray that is constructed on the model of your teeth to fit your mouth and no-one elses.

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