How do cytotoxic T cells kill target cells quizlet?

How do cytotoxic T cells kill target cells quizlet?

How do cytotoxic T cells kill their target cells? – Cytotoxic T cells release perforin which pokes holes in the cell’s plasma membrane. – T cells release enzymes called granzymes that induce target cells to undergo apoptosis.

How do cytotoxic T cells kill target cells?

Cytotoxic T cells kill their targets by programming them to undergo apoptosis (Fig. 8.35). When cytotoxic T cells are mixed with target cells and rapidly brought into contact by centrifugation, they can program antigen-specific target cells to die within 5 minutes, although death may take hours to become fully evident.

How do cytotoxic cells directly attack pathogens?

How do cytotoxic cells directly attack pathogens? Cytotoxic cells release antibodies that track down foreign cells and destroy them. Cytotoxic cells release complement proteins that weaken pathogen cell membranes and amplify the immune response. They bind to the pathogen and secrete chemicals that induce apoptosis.

What do cytotoxic T cells interact with quizlet?

Cytotoxic T-cells interact with Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins. When a virus infects a cell, some of the viral proteins are broken down into peptide fragments.

What cells types are targeted by cytotoxic T cells?

Cytotoxic T cells attack some tumor cells and transplanted tissue cells, as well as cells infected by microbes. Cytotoxic T cells kill infected target body cells much like natural killer cells do.

Do killer T cells kill bacteria?

Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) are famous for their ability to kill tumor, allogeneic and virus-infected cells. However, an emerging literature has now demonstrated that CTL also possess the ability to directly recognize and kill bacteria, parasites, and fungi.

How do T cells kill infected cells?

In cellular immunity, a killer T cell recognizes and kills a virus-infected cell because of the viral antigen on its surface, thus aborting the infection because a virus will not grow within a dead cell.

What type of immune system cell performs the most phagocytosis in the body?

In humans, and in vertebrates generally, the most-effective phagocytic cells are two kinds of white blood cells: the macrophages (large phagocytic cells) and the neutrophils (a type of granulocyte).

What cell types are targeted by cytotoxic T cells?

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