What does a first cut mean?

What does a first cut mean?

In this context the term refers to the first draft (or first copy) of a document, which is to be subsequently edited or revised.

What type of word is review?

Review also means to go over a subject again as part of study or to look at something another time. Review has many other senses as both a noun and a verb. A review is a critique of something—a look at something’s good and bad points.

Is it for review or to review?

Submit something [to somebody] means “put the something in somebody else’s power, usually for them to review or judge it”. For review is not an essential part, but just explaining the purpose.

Will make the cut meaning?

(idiomatic, informal) To succeed at something or meet a requirement; to be chosen out of a field of candidates or possibilities. Out of a pool of twenty applicants, only 3 made the cut.

What does the first cut of rough mean?

The cost of the first cut depends on the barber or stylist. And when the first cut was done, the picture was finished. The first cut of the movie then shifted to a sleeping Cruver. Strangely, the light-hitting Timo Perez inflicted the first cut. If they miss, they are in the first cut of rough.

How to use ” the first cut ” in a sentence?

The first cut, of 3 cents, took place July 1. The first cuts of that movie played like a comedy. It’s difficult to see the first cut in a sentence . The cost of the first cut depends on the barber or stylist. And when the first cut was done, the picture was finished. The first cut of the movie then shifted to a sleeping Cruver.

What does first cut mean on a CD?

‘first cut on the cd – could also be 2nd, 3rd – it doesn’t have any idiomatic meaning, whereas in your question ‘first cut’ has this idiomatic meaning of being ‘rough, lacking fine-tuning, defocused – it’s lost its ‘before anything else’ meaning.

Where did the phrase ” first cut ” come from?

This is a metaphor taken from either the agricultural world, where you make a first cut in the ground with ploughing, and then break the ground up more afterwards. Or possibly from surgery, where the surgeon makes a “first incision” before performing the more detailed (and more important, perhaps) stages of the surgery.

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