Is a muon strange?

Is a muon strange?

Actually, it’s kind of a nuisance for most physics experiments, because most physics experiments don’t want to detect muons. They’re weird.

Why is the muon unstable?

The muon is unstable because it decays into an electron and two neutrinos in about 2μs. But a muon is not in some sense an excited electron. Both particles are excitations in a quantum field and they are both as fundamental as each other.

Is a muon unstable?

Muons are unstable elementary particles and are heavier than electrons and neutrinos but lighter than all other matter particles. Because charge must be conserved, one of the products of muon decay is always an electron of the same charge as the muon (a positron if it is a positive muon).

What is muon wobble?

Muons also have a property called spin which, when combined with their charge, makes them behave as if they were tiny magnets, causing them to wobble like little gyroscopes when plopped inside a magnetic field.

How do you detect a muon?

Because muons can penetrate several metres of iron without interacting, unlike most particles they are not stopped by any of CMS’s calorimeters. Therefore, chambers to detect muons are placed at the very edge of the experiment where they are the only particles likely to register a signal.

What’s the meaning of pion?

: a meson that is a combination of up and down quarks and antiquarks, that may be positive, negative, or neutral, and that has a mass about 270 times that of the electron.

Is Dark Matter stable?

Dark matter is the unseen hand that fashions the universe. Three: It’s stable, meaning that for almost 13.8 billion years—the current age of the universe—dark matter hasn’t decayed into anything else, at least not enough to matter much.

How do you make a muon?

We can produce muons by taking a narrow, high-intensity beam of protons and running it into a target made of a metal, such as titanium. This produces a beam of another fundamental particle called the pion. Pions form a beam which fans out.

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