What are OPM Qualification Standards?

What are OPM Qualification Standards?

Qualification Standards are a description of the minimum requirements necessary to perform work of a particular occupation successfully and safely. These minimum requirements may include specific job-related work experience, education, medical or physical standards, training, security, and/or licensure.

What is a GS 1811?

An 1811 is the Federal criminal investigator classification series established by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. OPM defined this series to include positions that involve planning and conducting investigations relating to alleged or suspected violations of criminal laws.

What is qualification standard?

Qualification Standards. —(1) A qualification standard expresses the minimum requirements for a class of positions in terms of education, training and experience, civil service eligibility, physical fitness, and other qualities required for successful performance.

What agencies have 1811 positions?

The two major 1811 federal agencies are the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).

What is first level eligibility?

Passing the professional level exams qualifies you for both first level (clerical, custodial, and trade) and second level (scientific, technical, and professional) positions. Passing the subprofessional exams only qualifies you for first level positions.

What are the basic qualification standards for an 1811?

What are the basic qualification standards for an 1811? Must: Have a valid state driver’s license; Be between the age of 21-37; Be a U.S. Citizen; 3. What are the working conditions for an 1811? The Office of Personnel Management established specific physical requirements for criminal investigators.

What does 1811 stand for in federal category?

An 1811 is the Federal criminal investigator classification series established by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. OPM defined this series to include positions that involve planning and conducting investigations relating to alleged or suspected violations of criminal laws. 2. What are the basic qualification standards for an 1811?

What is the federal criminal investigator series 1811?

An 1811 is the Federal criminal investigator classification series established by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. OPM defined this series to include positions that involve planning and conducting investigations relating to alleged or suspected violations of criminal laws.

What does modification of OPM qualification standard mean?

Modification of an OPM qualification standard for inservice placement actions means agency or OPM substitution of qualification requirements different from those in the published standard. While applicants who qualify under a modified standard do not meet all of the specific requirements described in the published standard, their overall

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