What is qbase+?
qbase+ is software developed by Biogazelle for analysis of quantitative PCR data. The software is intended for relative quantification (whereby different normalization strategies developed by the Biogazelle founders are available) and for gene copy number analysis.
How does BestKeeper work?
The BestKeeper algorithm calculates the stability of the candidate genes based on the SD of their Cq values, plus the coefficient of variance (CV), correlation coefficient (r), and the p-value (p) which are also very important parameters (Pfaffl et al., 2004).
How do I use NormFinder in Excel?
Simply install the add-in by double-clicking and enabling macros and data connections. You will find a new tab Add-ins with the NormFinder software. If you install the file by browsing to it under the menu Excel-Tools-Add-ins, you need to chose “All File Types” since the . xls file will not be shown.
Why is Gapdh a housekeeping gene?
GAPDH is a key regulatory enzyme, which catalyzes the oxidative phosphorylation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate during glycolysis. β-actin is a cytoskeletal protein involved in cell structure and motility. Based on these basic and ubiquitous cellular functions, GAPDH and β-actin are considered as housekeeping genes.
What do you need to know about Qbase +?
Installation First time users Using a basic or premium license Advanced memory settings General Definitions Overview of qPCR workflow The analysis wizard in qbase+ Steps in qbase+ Getting started
Who is the author of the Qbase manual?
Copyright 2010-2017 qbase+ manual (rev 2017-04-24) www.qbaseplus.com 5 / 93 qbase+ is software developed by Biogazelle for analysis of quantitative PCR data. It is based on the geNorm (Vandesompele et al., Genome Biology, 2002) and qBase technology (Hellemans et al., Genome Biology, 2007) from Ghent University.
How do I install Qbase + on my Mac?
To install qbase+ on Windows and Mac, double click on the downloaded installer and follow the instructions (Figure 1). The procedure for Linux is somewhat different. Instead of using an installer, the downloaded file needs to be unzipped and moved to an appropriate location.
How to learn the building blocks of QuickBase?
Learn about the building blocks of Quickbase apps, including tables, roles, reports, and notifications. Pick up a pencil, sticky notes, or your favorite diagramming tool. Think about the problem you’re solving and the processes you’ll improve with your Quickbase app.