What is the functional refractory period?

What is the functional refractory period?

The functional refractory period (FRP) is the shortest interval between two consecutively conducted impulses out of a cardiac tissue resulting from any two consecutive input impulses into that tissue (i.e., the shortest output interval that can occur in response to any input interval in a particular tissue).

What are the two types of refractory periods?

There are two types of refractory periods; the absolute refractory period, which corresponds to depolarization and repolarization, and the relative refractory period, which corresponds to hyperpolarization.

What are the three phases of refractoriness?

The total refractory period is comprised of the (1) absolute refractory period (ARP) or effective refractory period (ERP), which is the period during which an electrical stimulus will not elicit an AP because the membrane is not sufficiently repolarized and sodium channels have not completely recovered; (2) relative …

When does refractory period occur?

The refractory period in a neuron occurs after an action potential and generally lasts one millisecond. An action potential consists of three phases.

Do pacemaker cells have a refractory period?

Cardiac cells have two refractory periods, the first from the beginning of phase 0 until part way through phase 3; this is known as the absolute refractory period during which it is impossible for the cell to produce another action potential.

Can you shorten your refractory period?

Refractory periods vary widely, from minutes to hours. The refractory period can get longer as you get older. It may be possible to shorten the refractory period with lifestyle changes or ED medication.

What is ARP of heart?

During a cardiac cycle, once an action potential is initiated, there is a period of time that a new action potential cannot be initiated. This is termed the effective refractory period (ERP) or the absolute refractory period (ARP) of the cell.

What is ERP in electrophysiology?

In electrocardiography, during a cardiac cycle, once an action potential is initiated, there is a period of time that a new action potential cannot be initiated. This is termed the effective refractory period (ERP) of the tissue.

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