Who has to take the Texas reading academies?

Who has to take the Texas reading academies?

Per House Bill 3 (HB 3), passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in June of 2019, all kindergarten through third grade teachers and principals must attend a “teacher literacy achievement academy” by the 2021 – 2022 school year.

What is the purpose of Texas Reading Academy?

The goal of the Texas Reading Academies is to increase teachers’ and principals’ knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practices to positively impact student literacy achievement.

What is Reading Academy for teachers?

The Reading Academy is an online platform that offers full support to parents, teachers, schools, organisations and potential Reading Academy tutors. Our programme enables you to successfully teach struggling readers and individuals with dyslexia how to read.

What do you expect to learn or gain during the reading academies?

During training sessions, teachers and principals will increase their knowledge of the science of teaching reading to support a student’s ability to decode words, understand spoken language, and improve reading comprehension.

How long is the reading Academy?

The Reading Academy Structure In-person PD sessions occur 6 days during the school year and 8 days during the summer. Job-embedded coaching, artifact submission and review occur in the months between.

What happens if you don’t pass the reading academy?

If a participant does not complete or pass the Texas reading Academies on the first attempt, they can enroll again in a Blended or Comprehensive cohort. It is suggested that Authorized Providers create a Support Plan with the Cohort Leader, LEA and participant.

What is tea learn?

WBL provides students opportunities to learn technical, academic and employability skills. WBL is employer driven and prepares students for their future career. WBL is a critical component of a high-quality CTE program.

How do you become a reading academy cohort leader?

A Cohort Leader must:

  1. demonstrate proficiency on the TEA screening process.
  2. secure employment either directly with an AP or with a district that’s implementing locally (MOU with an AP)
  3. attend TEA training to prepare to lead either the blended or the comprehensive model.

How long is the Reading Academy?

How many modules are in the Texas Reading Academy?

12 Reading Academies modules
Participants also will complete five artifacts over the course of the 12 Reading Academies modules . Three artifacts will be graded by Canvas and two will be graded by cohort leaders.

How are board members determined in Texas?

Texas school districts and charters are overseen by school boards. The boards of independent school districts are elected by the citizens of their communities, while the boards of charter schools are appointed.

When do the Texas reading academies come out?

TEA will propose rules allowing districts through the 2022-23 school year to train current staff. Districts should plan for all staff to be enrolled by the 2022-23 school year. 9. How can I ensure that I receive updates on the Reading Academies when they are released?

Do you have to be a librarian to go to Texas reading academies?

If a Librarian is providing core instruction or intervention to K-3 students, then yes they will need to attend Texas Reading Academies. However, if a Librarian is providing supplemental instruction then the answer is no. 3. Are non-certified K-3 teachers required to complete Reading Academies?

Can a teacher be exempt from reading academies?

While there are some formal processes pending, Authorized Providers and LEAs can proceed to exempt teachers who hold “all-level certification in art, health education, music, physical education, speech communication and theatre arts, or theatre,” as described in §231.3 (a). 2.

When do teachers have to complete HB 3 reading academies?

For simplification and to avoid confusion with other grant programs and past literacy achievement academies, the Texas Education Agency is referring to this latest requirement as the HB 3 Reading Academies. All K-3 teachers, including special education teachers, and principals are required to complete the HB 3 Reading Academies by 2023.

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