What is the difference between auxin gibberellin and cytokinin?

What is the difference between auxin gibberellin and cytokinin?

Auxin stimulates root branching. > Cytokinin inhibits root branching and lateral root formation….Write the main difference between auxins and cytokinins.

Auxins Cytokinins
In the stem tip, the auxins are produced. In the roots, cytokinin is produced and the cytokinins in xylem sap travel upward.

What are the functions of auxin and gibberellins in plants?

It plays an essential role in callus growth. Auxin does not help in breaking seed and bud dormancy. Gibberellin plays a major role in seed germination, breaking seed and bud dormancy. It promotes root formation.

What is the difference in effects of gibberellin and auxin hormones for plant growth?

Auxin promotes cell elongation, especially of shoots, and induces apical dominance and rooting, while gibberellin helps in cell growth of stem, leaves and other aerial parts by causing cell elongation, and increase in internodal length. Like gibberellins, auxins are effective in increasing oil yield.

What is difference between auxin and cytokinin?

The key difference between auxin and cytokinin is that the auxin stimulates root branching while the cytokinin inhibits root branching and the lateral root formation.

What is the function of gibberellin?

Gibberellin (GA) is one of the plant hormones that regulate a wide range of processes involved in plant growth, organ development, and environmental responses. These include seed germination, stem elongation, leaf expansion, transition to flowering, and the development of flowers, fruits, and seeds [1].

What is the function of auxins in plants?

Auxin is a key regulator of plant growth and development, orchestrating cell division, elongation and differentiation, embryonic development, root and stem tropisms, apical dominance, and transition to flowering.

What is the function of auxin?

What are the major functions? Answer: Auxin promotes cell growth and elongation of the plant. In the elongation process, auxin alters the plant wall plasticity making it easier for the plant to grow upwards. Auxin also influences rooting formations.

What is an example of gibberellins?

The best-known gibberellin is gibberellic acid. Compounds such as vitamin E and helminthosporol also have gibberellin-like activity. Gibberellins have striking growth-promoting effects. They speed the elongation of dwarf varieties to normal sizes and promote flowering, stem and root elongation, and growth of fruit.

How are auxin and gibberellin similar and different?

Auxin and gibberellin are two classes of growth regulators/hormones found basically in plants and we can identify some similarities as well as differences between them. Plant growth regulators are mainly responsible for the growth and differentiation of cells, tissues and act as chemical messengers in intercellular communication.

How are auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins affect plants?

All physiological aspects of plants are affected by plant hormones (chemical messengers), including auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins. During phototropism and gravitropism, the plant hormone auxin controls cell elongation. The plant hormone cytokinin promotes cell division, controling many developmental processes in plants.

Where does gibberellin come from in a plant?

Gibberellin is the other plant hormone that promotes the elongation of cells. It is produced at the tip of the stem. The first discovered type of gibberellin is gibberellic acid. However, gibberellin only promotes the growth of the intact shoot. It also enhances the development of leaves.

Where are the auxins found in a plant?

Auxins are a group of naturally occurring and artificially synthesised plant hormones. They play an important role in the regulation of plant growth. They are mainly produced in the apical meristem of shoots, young leaves and seeds.

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