Can you keep glowlight Tetras with bettas?

Can you keep glowlight Tetras with bettas?

Keeping neon tetras and bettas together is possible, however, caution is always advised. You may have heard that bettas are aggressive and neon tetras are fin nippers. While both these things are true, in certain circumstances, they don’t have to stop your plans.

Are neon tetras compatible with bettas?

And Neon Tetras with a water pH of 6-7. As such, they both need a water hardness that is slightly soft. As you can see Neon tetras and bettas water needs are very similar. This makes them ideal tank mates in this respect.

Can neon tetras live with glowlight Tetras?

Neon Tetra As Neon Tetras are extremely peaceful and small-sized fish, Neon Tetras will get along very well with Glowlight Tetras. Additionally, Neon Tetras require an abundance of live plants in the tank, so that they can hide out occasionally to maintain their stress levels.

What fish go well with glowlight Tetra?

Tankmates. Glowlight tetras like their own kind; keep them in groups of at least a half-dozen or more. You can also keep them with other small peaceful fish, including other small tetras, barbs, danios, cory catfish, and peaceful loaches.

How are my Glowlight tetras doing so far?

Well my two glowlights have been fine so far. Although when the neons do school, the two glowlights don’t seem to join them. Almost like they’re outsiders. They follow each other and the neons follow each other. Hmmm… Give them time to adjust.

What kind of pH do neon tetras need?

Neon Tetras and bettas need similar conditions to survive, and in fact, neon tetras can survive in a pH between 5 – 7.5. Bettas need a pH as close to 7 as possible, however, they can also live in water that’s slightly acidic.

What kind of tetras do I need for my Betta?

First, one of the most popular tetras. Neon tetras can be a great addition to your tank and a great tank mate for your betta. If you plan on adding neon tetras to your tank you’re going to need at least 6, but 10-12 is the ideal amount.

What happens if you put a Betta in a neon tetra tank?

So when you try and add other fish into the tank he’s not going to like it. This will often result in aggression, that could spell trouble for neon tetras. However, if you add a betta to a tank with other fish in it, then he’s more likely to find a smaller area of the tank to keep himself to himself.

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