What number is Quatre Vingt seize?
2. Numbers from 0 to 100 – de zéro à cent
70 | soixante-dix | quatre-vingts |
75 | soixante-quinze | quatre-vingt-cinq |
76 | soixante-seize | quatre-vingt-six |
77 | soixante-dix-sept | quatre-vingt-sept |
78 | soixante-dix-huit | quatre-vingt-huit |
Is it Deux cents or deux cent?
The use of plural “s” is somewhat of a mystery. The French write 80 as “quatre-vingts”, but 81 as “quatre-vingt-un”. 200 is “deux cents”, while 201 is deux cent un”.
Why is it soixante et onze?
French Numbers: 70-79 Soixante-dix literally means “sixty-ten,” soixante et onze means “sixty and eleven,” soixante-douze is “sixty-twelve,” etc.
What is Trois Cent mille in numbers?
3 000
For example, 2 422 is written as deux-mille-quatre-cent-vingt-deux….Vocabulary.
900 | neuf-cents |
1 000 | mille |
2 000 | deux-mille |
3 000 | trois-mille |
When to use quatre vingt in French?
After that, you get sixty-eleven, sixty-twelve, and so on until you reach 80. Then, the phrase four-twenty, or quatre-vingt, is used to represent 80. To English-speakers, it seems like a pretty illogical way to count, but for the French, it works!
How to count from 10 to 20 in French?
Numbers 10-20 in French When counting in French between ten and 20, the French have a version of the English suffix “-teen.” In English, this form will start at thirteen and go through nineteen, but it’ll just be seventeen to nineteen in French. “‘-Teen” is represented by the word dix, so seventeen is dix-sept, or ten-seven.
How is the number seventeen represented in French?
“‘-Teen” is represented by the word dix, so seventeen is dix-sept, or ten-seven. Number learning tip: Try writing out the date every day in French.