Is Caput Medusae varices?

Is Caput Medusae varices?

Caput medusae is the appearance of distended and engorged superficial epigastric veins, which are seen radiating from the umbilicus across the abdomen. The name caput medusae (Latin for “head of Medusa”) originates from the apparent similarity to Medusa’s head, which had venomous snakes in place of hair.

What causes enlarged blood vessels in the stomach?

Varices are large swollen veins in the esophagus or stomach. High pressure in the portal veins or portal hypertension is a primary cause for this condition, and it is found in 50% of liver cirrhosis patients.

What are varices in the stomach?

Esophageal varices are abnormal, enlarged veins in the tube that connects the throat and stomach (esophagus). This condition occurs most often in people with serious liver diseases. Esophageal varices develop when normal blood flow to the liver is blocked by a clot or scar tissue in the liver.

How do you confirm caput medusae?

How is it diagnosed? Caput medusae is usually easy to see, so your doctor will likely focus on determining whether it’s due to liver disease or a blockage in your inferior vena cava. A CT scan or ultrasound can show the direction of blood flow in your abdomen. This will help your doctor narrow down the cause.

Why do you get caput medusae?

The root cause of caput medusae is portal hypertension, which is an increase in pressure in the portal vein. That’s the vein that moves blood from your digestive tract to your liver. When the portal vein is blocked, the blood volume increases in the surrounding blood vessels, and they turn into varicose veins.

How do you treat stomach varices?

Endoscopic treatment modalities for gastric variceal bleeding.

  1. Gastric variceal sclerotherapy (GVS).
  2. Gastric variceal obturation (GVO) with glue.
  3. Gastric variceal band ligation (GVL) with or without detachable snares.
  4. Thrombin injection (bovine or human).
  5. Combined endoscopic therapy.

Why are the veins in caput medusae inflamed?

The inflamed veins are called paraumbilical veins. Why does it happen? The condition of Caput Medusae occurs due to portal hypertension. Portal circulation is the flow of blood from one organ to another without going through the heart. It is a unique system of veins that transfers nutrients from the gut, pancreas and spleen to the liver.

How is caput medusae related to cirrhosis?

Caput medusae is usually related to liver disease, which eventually causes liver scarring, or cirrhosis. This scarring makes it harder for blood to flow through the veins of your liver, leading to a backup of blood in your portal vein. The increased blood in your portal vein leads to portal hypertension.

What to do if you have caput medusae?

Caput medusae is usually a sign of more advanced cirrhosis, which requires immediate treatment. Depending on the severity, this can include: implanting a shunt, a small device that opens up the portal vein to reduce portal hypertension.

What happens when you press on caput succedaneum?

Pressing on it may result in a dimple in the flesh. The swelling may be on one side or may extend over the midline of the scalp. The effects are usually most apparent on the part of the skull that was the first to come down the birth canal.

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