What is postal code of Chittagong?

What is postal code of Chittagong?

Chattogram/Zip codes

What is Uganda’s ZIP postal code?


1 Civic Centre 10101
2 Old Kampala 10102
3 Kagugube 10103
4 Bukesa 10104

Does Bulgaria have zip codes?

Bulgarian ZIP code In their ZIP System Bulgarians use a four-digit ZIP code. In the Bulgarian ZIP code (in Bulgarian: Пощенски код or abbreviated п. The first two digits indicate the area or certain areas, the last two the town.

Is your postal code your ZIP code?

The two codes are essentially the same in their purpose, but the term Zip code is mainly used in the USA; Postal Code is commonly used in other countries.

What is the Chinese postal code for Changsha?

China Postal Code of Changsha District/County in English District/County in Chinese Postal Code Province Changsha City 长沙市 410000 Hunan Province Kaifu District 开福区 410000 Hunan Province Tianxin District 天心区 410000 Hunan Province Yuhua District 雨花区 410000 Hunan Province

What was the population of Chandanaish in 1991?

According to the 1991 Bangladesh census, Chandanaish had a population of 172,843. Males constituted 51.27% of the population, and females 48.73%. The population aged 18 or over was 81,653. Chandanaish had an average literacy rate of 33.9% (7+ years), compared to the national average of 32.4%.

When did Chandanaish become part of Chittagong Upazila?

However, the Muslim settlement was permanently established when the medieval Islamic invasion occurred in Chittagong. Chandanaish was previously part of Patiya upazila. In 1976, Chandanaish was separated from Patiya and established as Chandanaish thana and in 1983 it became an upazila.

Which is the main river in Chandanaish Upazila?

Sangu is the main river but there are also small rivers and canals like Borumoti ( Borguni Khal locally called), Chandkhali river etc.There are a lot of bills such as Moga Bill, Arah Bill,Ronger Bill. According to the 1991 Bangladesh census, Chandanaish had a population of 172,843. Males constituted 51.27% of the population, and females 48.73%.

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