Como ler os livros do Sherlock Holmes?

Como ler os livros do Sherlock Holmes?

Confira a seguir mais detalhes sobre os livros.

  1. Um estudo em vermelho (romance)
  2. O sinal dos quatro (romance)
  3. As aventuras de Sherlock Holmes (contos)
  4. As memórias de Sherlock Holmes (contos)
  5. O cão dos Baskerville (romance)
  6. A volta de Sherlock Holmes (contos)
  7. O vale do medo (romance)

Quantos livros Arthur Conan Doyle escreveu?

Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle KGStJ, DL (Edimburgo, 22 de maio de 1859 — Crowborough, 7 de julho de 1930) foi um escritor e médico britânico, nascido na Escócia, mundialmente famoso por suas 60 histórias sobre o detetive Sherlock Holmes, consideradas uma grande inovação no campo da literatura criminal.

Quem procurou Sherlock Holmes para descobrir a razão da dissolução da Liga dos Cabeças Vermelhas?

Jabez Wilson é um comerciante que procura Holmes para falar-lhe sobre um emprego a princípio tentador mas que posteriormente se tornou demasiado suspeito, Wilson foi contratado pela chamada Liga dos Cabeças Vermelhas para trabalhar pelo salário de 4 libras semanais.

Quantos são os livros do Sherlock Holmes?

As fascinantes aventuras de Sherlock Holmes, escritas ao longo de quarenta anos, entre 1887 e 1927, por Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, reúnem 4 romances e 56 contos, que ainda hoje despertam a curiosidade dos leitores.

Are there any warranties in the adventures of Sherlock Holmes?

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle. This text is provided to you “as-is” without any warranty. No warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, are made to you as to the text or any medium it may be on, including but not limited to warranties of merchantablity or fitness for a particular purpose.

Which is the best game for Sherlock Holmes?

Sherlock Buddy is a puzzle solving auto that makes Sherlock Holmes games easy and stress free. Sherlock Buddy is a that makes Sherlock Holmes games easy scans the game board and Sherlock Holmes – The Secret of the Silver Earring is an adventure game in which you will have to help Sherlock Holmes solve a string of grisly murders.

Who is the woman in the adventures of Sherlock Holmes?

CHAPTER I. T o Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him men- tion her under any other name. In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex. It was not that he felt any emo- tion akin to love for Irene Adler.

What did Sherlock Holmes do in his sleep?

To me, who knew his every mood and habit, his attitude and manner told their own story. He was at work again. He had risen out of his drug-created dreams and was hot upon the scent of some new problem. I rang the bell and was shown up to the chamber which had formerly been in part my own. His manner was not effusive.

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