What is Lexotan drug used for?

What is Lexotan drug used for?

Lexotan belongs to a group of medicines called benzodiazepines which are thought to work by their action on brain chemicals. Lexotan is used for anxiety, tension or agitation. Anxiety or tension associated with the normal stress of everyday life usually does not require treatment with medicines.

Does Lexotan have side effects?

Some people may experience side effects such as drowsiness, confusion, dizziness and unsteadiness, which may increase the risk of a fall. Your doctor may suggest that you avoid alcohol or reduce the amount of alcohol you drink while you are taking Lexotan.

Does Lexotanil affect the heart?

One group of 68 hypertensive patients receiving 9 mg bromazepam daily showed a mean reduction in blood pressure by 14.4% systolic and 12.7% diastolic at rest, and during exercise by 7.5% systolic and 6.8% diastolic. The heart remained practically unchanged.

What is the side effect of bromazepam?

Side-effects. Bromazepam is similar in side effects to other benzodiazepines. The most common side effects reported are drowsiness, sedation, ataxia, memory impairment, and dizziness. Impaired memory is common with bromazepam, including reduced working memory and processing of environmental information.

How does Bromazepam make you feel?

Bromazepam can create pleasant sedative and euphoric effects, and some people take it recreationally. It is usually consumed in its tablet form, although occasionally – and dangerously – it may be ground up and snorted or even injected.

Quelle est la posologie de l’amoxicilline chez les nourrissons ?

Posologie de l’amoxicilline sous forme de poudre pour solution injectable (Panpharma 1 g) Elle est de 2 g par jour, soit 1 injection de 1 g deux fois par jour chez les adultes. Lorsqu’elle s’injecte dans une veine (voie intraveineuse), la dose est de 100 mg à 200 mg par kilo et par jour chez les nourrissons/enfants de 1 mois à 15 ans.

Quels sont les effets indésirables de l’amoxicilline ?

Les effets indésirables identifiés dans les études cliniques et depuis la commercialisation de l’amoxicilline sont mentionnés ci-dessous selon la classification MedDRA par système-organe. Leucopénie réversible (y compris agranulocytose ou neutropénie sévère), anémie hémolytique et thrombocytopénie réversibles.

Est-ce que l’amoxicilline est adaptée à certains types d’infections ?

L’amoxicilline n’est pas adaptée au traitement de certains types d’infections sauf si le pathogène est déjà documenté et connu comme étant sensible à l’amoxicilline, ou s’il y a une très grande probabilité que le pathogène y soit sensible (voir rubrique Propriétés pharmacodynamiques).

How does Lexotan make you feel?

If you take too much Lexotan you may feel drowsy, confused, tired, dizzy, have difficulty breathing, feel weak or become unconscious. Keep telephone numbers for these places handy. If you are not sure what to do, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

What is the generic name of Lexotan?


Clinical data
Trade names Lexotan, Lexotanil, others
AHFS/Drugs.com International Drug Names
Pregnancy category AU : C
Routes of administration By mouth

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