What is CS education research?

What is CS education research?

Computing education research (CER), also known as computer science education (CSEd) research, is the study of how people learn and teach computing, broadly construed.

What topics do CS researchers address?

Research areas

  • Architectures, Compiler Optimization, and Embedded Systems.
  • Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
  • Data Mining, Databases, and Geographical Information Systems.
  • Graphics and Immersive Computing.
  • High Performance Computing.
  • Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Networks, Distributed Systems, and Security.

What is researching in education?

Educational research refers to the systematic collection and analysis of data related to the field of education. Research may involve a variety of methods and various aspects of education including student learning, teaching methods, teacher training, and classroom dynamics.

What is CS school subject?

—Computer Science: The syllabus for Computer Science has been designed with the objective of providing students with a basic knowledge of computers, enhancing their problem-solving capability through programming, and providing knowledge about databases. Students learn object-oriented programming using C++.

What education do you need for computer science?

Most employers require a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, math or related subject. A master’s degree in software engineering may be necessary for advancement into lead engineering and management positions.

What are the core areas of CS?

The cores are drawn from three broad areas of Computer Science: theory, systems,and artificial intelligence. In general, you need to satisfy one or more requirements in each of the three areas.

What is the aim of educational research?

Educational research should have three objectives: to explore issues and find answers to questions (for academics), to share policy (e.g. relationships between education/work/training, for policy makers) and to improve practice (for practitioners).

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