How can you change the appearance of data in cells in JTable?

How can you change the appearance of data in cells in JTable?

If you want to allow users to edit the data, then you need to set a TableCellEditor on the cells that you want people to edit. You probably also want to start using a TableModel instead of hard coding the data in the JTable itself.

How JTable works?

The JTable class is a part of Java Swing Package and is generally used to display or edit two-dimensional data that is having both rows and columns….Functions in JTable:

  • addColumn(TableColumn []column) : adds a column at the end of the JTable.
  • clearSelection() : Selects all the selected rows and columns.

How do you make a cell editable in JTable?

jTableAssignments = new javax. swing. JTable() { public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int colIndex) { return editable; }};

How to set up a Table in java?

First, prepare a CREATE TABLE statement to create the table you want. Second, connect to the database. Third, create a new instance of the Statement class from a Connection object. Fourth, execute the CREATE TABLE statement by calling the executeUpdate() method of the Statement object.

How do I make a JTable not editable?

From the Navigation Pane, expand JScrollPane and right-click on JTable and Select Customize Code as shown below:

  1. On the code customizer, select the second drop down and choose custom property.
  2. Now paste this: {public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column){return false;}} before the last closing blacket );

How fetch data from database to JTable in Java?

DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(new String[]{“Class Name”, “Home work”, “Due Date”}, 0); Load the data from the database… String sql=”SELECT * FROM hwList”; ResultSet rs = st. executeQuery(sql);

What is the purpose of JTable?

The JTable is used to display and edit regular two-dimensional tables of cells. See How to Use Tables in The Java Tutorial for task-oriented documentation and examples of using JTable .

How do you clear a JTable?

You must remove the data from the TableModel used for the table. If using the DefaultTableModel , just set the row count to zero. This will delete the rows and fire the TableModelEvent to update the GUI.

What is cell renderer in Java?

The standard class for rendering (displaying) individual cells in a JTable . Implementation Note: This class inherits from JLabel , a standard component class. However JTable employs a unique mechanism for rendering its cells and therefore requires some slightly modified behavior from its cell renderer.

How do you store data in a table?

Create a Row class containing an array and use an ArrayList to contain your “table”. Of course it depends on your use cases but only you can devise it properly for your needs. Do all the columns have the same type? Multidimensional array don’t make it simple to delete rows.

What is table model in Java?

The TableModel interface specifies the methods the JTable will use to interrogate a tabular data model. The JTable can be set up to display any data model which implements the TableModel interface with a couple of lines of code: For further documentation, see Creating a Table Model in The Java Tutorial.

How do I use DefaultTableModel?

Constructs a DefaultTableModel and initializes the table by passing data and columnNames to the setDataVector method. The first index in the Object[][] array is the row index and the second is the column index.

How to change the contents of a cell in JTable?

If you want to dynamically update your table data, you can work with a TableModelListener to find out when the data changes. The interface consists of one method that tells you when the table data changes. To change cell contents in code: setValueAt (Object value, int row, int column) method of JTable.

How to generate event in JTable cell in Java?

You can add a TableModelListener to your TableModel. An event will be generated when data is changed. However it also generates an event if you start editing a cell and table to another cell without changing any data.

When to use a tablemodellistener in JTable?

If you want to dynamically update your table data, you can work with a TableModelListener to find out when the data changes. The interface consists of one method that tells you when the table data changes.

How to update data in a JTable in Java?

This will then be reflected as changes in the data displayed in the JTable if you also fire the appropriate listener notification method (which is done automatically for you if you use the DefaultTableModel). The Swing tutorial on JTables explains all of this, and if you haven’t gone through it, you owe it to yourself to do so.

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