What happens if you choose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay?

What happens if you choose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay?

“Sacrifice Arcadia Bay” When Max rips the photo the storm disperses. A) She dies but saves everyone including Chloe B) Saves everyone including Chloe, but has a nosebleed and falls into a come which she later wakes up from. “Happy ending”.

Does everyone die if you sacrifice Arcadia Bay?

Sacrifice Arcadia Bay Ending. It’s not explicitly shown, but highly likely that most, if not all those in the Two Whales Diner, being Warren Graham, Joyce Price, Frank Bowers, (determinant) and Pompidou (determinant), are dead in the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending when the full force of the storm hit the town.

Did you choose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay Life is strange 2?

As noted by Koch himself on Twitter, Life is Strange 2 starts out by asking players if they chose to save or sacrifice Arcadia Bay, so this actually suits itself to the player choice. So there is still no “canon” ending to LiS1.

What happens if you sacrifice Arcadia Bay in life is strange 2?

Life is Strange 2 If Arcadia Bay was sacrificed, the town will appear abandoned, and the lighthouse will be half destroyed from the storm (as we see happen to it in Max’s visions).

How many endings Life is strange 2?

Life Is Strange 2: All 7 Endings And How To Unlock Them. We’re going to explore all the different endings for Life Is Strange 2, seven in all, and look at the pivotal choices that lead to each one.

What happens if you don’t sacrifice Arcadia Bay in life is strange 2?

What happens if you call Lyla back?

1b) Calling her again in the second episode, will result in finding out that she lied to the cops about Sean, but she’s angry that he didn’t call for a long time. Conclusion: Lyla won’t be very well, even if you call her in both episodes, but she will try to protect you from “internet haters” and the police.

Should I call Lyla Life is strange 2?

Conclusion: Lyla won’t be very well, even if you call her in both episodes, but she will try to protect you from “internet haters” and the police. Lyla will be in a terrible condition if you don’t call her in the first episode and her mother will hold Sean responsible.

What’s the percentage of people who sacrificed Arcadia Bay?

According to the game stats 47% picked to sacrifice Arcadia Bay while 53% sacrificed Chloe. I have to admit that I had to pause the game during the final choice before I could decide. No matter the choice you pick you feel terrible for it because you end up losing anyways.

Which is better Arcadia Bae or sacrifice Chloe?

Arcadia Bae: All Day, Every Day. “actually its about ethics in video game journalism” – Hitler, probably. Sacrifice Chloe. It felt much more complete than the other ending. i saved bae before bay first but it is actually not the right choice. the game has been telling you not to change time and change history. leadintea posted… Sacrifice Chloe.

Why did Max and Chloe go back to Arcadia Bay?

Their plans was to always leave Arcadia Bay and “rule the world together”; so I really felt that everything that happened in the game from Max going back to her hometown and getting her powers was because she was meant to hook up with Chloe. Regardless of the choice you end up making you still feel terrible for it. Saved Chloe.


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