What color is confetti lantana?

What color is confetti lantana?

Confetti Lantana Plants Tri-colored yellow, orange and mauve blooms create a dazzling display, set upon toothy-edged dark green leaves- a striking contrast. These colorful blooms will fade with age and over-fertilization. An exotic looking flower, ‘Confetti’ looks like a multitude of tiny fireworks!

Are there different varieties of lantana?

Trailing Lantana Plant Varieties ‘Clear White,’ ‘Trailing Yellow,’ and ‘Weeping Lavender’ have names indicative of their spreading habit. There is also ‘New Gold’ and ‘Alba’ as well as ‘White Lightning’ and ‘Lavender Swirl.’ The dwarf or petite lantana varieties also tend to have a spreading habit.

How do you care for confetti lantana?

Once established, they require little to moderate watering and have a high tolerance to drought. We recommend trimming back any dead blossoms to encourage new blooms. If you love colorful plants that captivate the senses, you will enjoy the look of this Lantana Confetti.

How many species of lantana are there?

150 species
For the Really Curious: While there are 150 species of lantana in the verbena family (Verbenaceae), the most commonly used ornamental selection is Lantana camara (native to the American tropics) although some other species (native to a range of tropical locations) and hybrids are available.

When to plant Lantana?

When to Plant. Regardless of whether they are being grown as annuals or perennials, lantana thrive in heat and should be planted in the spring at least two weeks after any danger of frost has passed. Once planted, they often will not grow or bloom much until the soil warms up considerably.

What to plant with Lantana?

Companion Plants. Lantana works well as a stand alone plant, but it can also be paired with other flowers that enjoy the sun and attract butterflies for enchanting butterfly garden arrangements. Pair Lantana with sun loving varieties of Salvia, Pentas, and Angelonia.

How to plant Lantana in the fall?

How to Plant Lantana in the Fall Cultivate the soil approximately 8 inches deep with a tiller, shovel or garden fork. Dig planting holes that are twice as wide as the nursery containers. Set the plants — with their root balls and soil still intact — in the planting holes. Water the new lantanas well with 1 inch of water immediately after planting.

How tall will Lantana grow?

Lantana height/spread. Some cultivars grow to as much as 5 to 6 feet tall, forming large, bushy mounds while others stay low and spreading, reaching up to 4 feet wide, but only 1 to 2 feet in height.

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