What is form 21 of factory Act?

What is form 21 of factory Act?

The managers of all the registered factories are required to submit the returns to the Area Inspector. Half yearly return shall be submitted in duplicate.

What is form 11 as per factories Act?

All employers must maintain in Form 11 – Notice of Periods of work for adult workers and children in the prescribed format.

What are the registers to be maintained under factories Act?

The 5 (five) types of combined registers required to be maintained under the Specified Labour Laws, include:

  • Employee Register;
  • Wage Register;
  • Register of Loan / Recoveries;
  • Attendance Register; and.
  • Register of Rest Days / Leave account of employees / Leave with Wages.

What topics are covered in factories Act?

Main provisions covered in the Act:

  • Duties of the Occupier.
  • Powers and duties of Inspectors.
  • Provisions regarding the Health of workers.
  • Provisions regarding the Safety of workers.
  • Provisions regarding the Welfare of workers.
  • Working hours for adult workers.
  • Annual leave with wages.

What is form XXIV?

Centre. Contract Labour Regulation & Abolition Act. Every contractor shall send half yearly returns in the given format in duplicate to the Licensing Officer concerned not later than 30 days from the close of the half year.

How do I fill out an act factory annual return?

There are various forms for CLC(C) Labour Acts, click on the form name at annual Labour return screen. For example choose form B (Employer Registration Form), below form will appear. Fill all the fields and click the save button. After you fill the forms for various required acts, click the Final Submission button.

What are statutory forms?

(often: statutory forms) a document that registered companies have to complete with information on their business activities and then file with a governmental authority.

What is a factory under the Factories Act?

According to Black’s Law dictionary, factory is a term that includes all buildings and premises wherein, or within the cartilage of which, steam, water, or any mechanical power is used to move or work any machinery employed in preparing , manufacturing, or finishing cotton, wool, hair, silk, flax, hemp, jute or tow.

Is the Factories Act still in force?

It was replaced by the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020. The Act is administered by the Ministry of Labour and Employment in India through its Directorate General Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) and by the State Governments through their factory inspectorates.

What is CLC act?

The Central Advisory Contract Labour Board has also constituted a number of committees to enquire into the question of prohibition of contract labour system in different establishments. …

What is Form VII?

[See Rule 29(2)] Application For Renewal Of Licenses under the Contract Labour(Regulation & Abolition)Act,1970 and The Rules framed thereunder.

What are the parts of the Factories Act?

THE FACTORIES ACT ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART I. Preliminaty e 1. Short title. 2, Interpretation. 3, Appointment of Chief Factory Inspector and Inspectors. 4, Supervision of factories and machinery. PART 11. Factories Appeal Board 5. Constitution of Pactories Appeal Board. PART 111. Registration of Factories

Where can I find sample of Factories Act forms?

The sample of all forms are available under the Factories Act RULES for the state, you can take the reference of the Rules of your states. Some common register which are maintained, form wise list of those are as under : v Form 38 Report of examination of lifts and hoists. Also please make a note that following is requirement under the ACT.

When to submit form2 under Factories Act 1948?

No need to become confuse, Pl submitt the Form2 under Factory Act and Licence fee through Treasury challan which will be verified by the Factory Inspector / AD (I S &H) as per your manpower and sanction load of electricity. Apply for renewal before 30th Novemeber for next year and if you are later than 25% to bedeposited as late fee.

What was the Factories Act of 1948 in India?

The Factories Act, 1948 (Act No. 63 of 1948), as amended by the Factories (Amendment) Act, 1987 (Act 20 of 1987) CHAPTER II.- The Inspecting Staff CHAPTER III.- Health CHAPTER IV.- Safety CHAPTER IVA.-

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