What phase was the Moon on July 1 1998?

What phase was the Moon on July 1 1998?

On this day the Moon was in a First Quarter phase.

What phase was the Moon in July 22 1998?

Moon phase details at 22 July 1998

Moon Phase details
Phase Waning crescent
Illumination 3.47% Visible
Ris/Set 04:01 AM / 05:43 PM
Moon Age 27.77 Days

What was the Moon on July 15 1998?

Moon phase details at 15 July 1998

Moon Phase details
Phase Waning gibbous
Illumination 69.61% Visible
Ris/Set 11:08 PM / 10:44 AM
Moon Age 20.25 Days

What was the Moon in 1998?

Dates of Moon Phases in 1998 Year

Lunar Phase Local Date & Time — Mountain View (America/Los Angeles) UTC Date & Time
New Moon August 21, Fri 02:04
First Quarter August 29, Sat 05:07
Full Moon September 6, Sun 11:23
Last Quarter September 12, Sat 02:00

What was the Moon phase on July 30 1998?

Waxing Crescent Phase The Waxing Crescent on July 30 has an illumination of 41%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun.

When was the full moon July 1999?

July 1999 Moon Details The Full Moon for this month will occur later in the month on Wednesday, July 28th.

How old would I be if I was born July 15 1998?

How old am I if I was born on July 15, 1998? – If you were born on July 15, 1998, you are 23 years old.

What phase was the Moon in July 28 1999?

Full Moon Phase The Full Moon on July 28 has an illumination of 100%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day.

What phase was the Moon in on July 7 1999?

Waning Crescent Phase The Waning Crescent on July 7 has an illumination of 39%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun.

What phase was the Moon in January 15 1998?

Waning Gibbous Phase On January 15 the Moon is 17.39 days old.

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