What level should you be for Shadow Yukiko?

What level should you be for Shadow Yukiko?

Level 12-15
Strategy. It is recommended that you reach Level 12-15 on Normal Difficulty before fighting this boss. A Fire-resistant Persona is useful in this battle, as well. Shadow Yukiko will use Burn to Ashes after the party takes a turn.

How much HP does Shadow Yukiko have?

Shadow Yukiko

Arcana Level HP
Priestess 15 1,050

What level should you be for Shadow Kanji Persona 4?

It is generally a good idea to attempt challenging Shadow Kanji when your party is at around Level 22 and above. If the party is any lower than that, they will have a difficult time keeping your health up. Additionally, make sure the party’s armor has high protection values as the fight is physically oriented.

How do you beat shadow Yosuke?

Simply guard whenever he Power Charges or Guards so that the player takes less damage from his physical attacks and don’t grant him an extra turn when he uses Wind of Oblivion. The rest of the fight is easily handled due to Shadow Yosuke’s weakness to Zio.

How to beat Shadow Yukiko in Persona 4?

– Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Q&A for PlayStation 2 – GameFAQs How do I beat Shadow Yukiko? Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. How do I beat Shadow Yukiko? She keeps kicking my ass. I have an Obaryion at Lv.14 and I’m at Lv. 13, but she seems unstoppable…

Who is the Shadow Self in Persona 4?

Shadow Yukiko is a boss in Persona 4. It is the Shadow Self of Yukiko Amagi, which represents her feelings of pent-up anger and frustration of being trapped in Inaba .

What do you do in Yukiko’s Castle Persona 4 Golden?

Yuki’s other turns may include Agi, a fire attack that will hit one of the party members. After a few turns, Shadow Yukiko will summon Charming Prince. Charming Prince has the ability to heal Shadow Yukiko, so eliminating him first should be priority. Use Zio to hit his weakness.

What happens when Chie gets knocked down in Persona 4?

If Chie gets knocked down, Yukiko will get another turn. Yuki’s other turns may include Agi, a fire attack that will hit one of the party members. After a few turns, Shadow Yukiko will summon Charming Prince. Charming Prince has the ability to heal Shadow Yukiko, so eliminating him first should be priority. Use Zio to hit his weakness.

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