How does the strcat function in Linux work?

How does the strcat function in Linux work?

The strcat () function appends the src string to the dest string, overwriting the terminating null byte (‘\\0’) at the end of dest , and then adds a terminating null byte. The strings may not overlap, and the dest string must have enough space for the result.

What should the return value of strcat ( ) be?

The null character from the first string is removed then second string is appended at the end of the first string. It returns a pointer to the resulting string ( strg1 ). Generally, the return value of strcat () is discarded.

Is there a wide character version of strcat?

Because strcat does not check for sufficient space in strDestination before appending strSource, it is a potential cause of buffer overruns. Consider using strncat instead. wcscat and _mbscat are wide-character and multibyte-character versions of strcat.

How does the strcat function in overiq work?

The null character from the first string is removed then second string is appended at the end of the first string. It returns a pointer to the resulting string ( strg1 ).

How does strcat add src string to DEST string?

The strcat () function appends the src string to the dest string, overwriting the terminating null byte (‘0’) at the end of dest, and then adds a terminating null byte. The strings may not overlap, and the dest string must have enough space for the result.

How to use C strcat for long strings?

Just ctrl+c code above and ctrl+v into your code base. Note : Matt’s answer is a good alternative for long strings. But for short string lengths (<250), this should do. Is this answer outdated?

What is the declaration for strcat ( ) in C?

Following is the declaration for strcat () function. dest − This is pointer to the destination array, which should contain a C string, and should be large enough to contain the concatenated resulting string. src − This is the string to be appended. This should not overlap the destination.

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