Where is default Apache directory?

Where is default Apache directory?

Configuration Files and Directives If you installed httpd from source, the default location of the configuration files is /usr/local/apache2/conf . The default configuration file is usually called httpd. conf . This, too, can vary in third-party distributions of the server.

What is directory in Apache?

For example, in a default install, Apache httpd resides at /usr/local/apache2 in the Unix filesystem or “c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2” in the Windows filesystem. So the path /dir/ in the webspace corresponds to the path /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/dir/ in the filesystem of a default Apache httpd install on Unix.

Where are Apache config files?

All the configuration files for Apache are located in /etc/httpd/conf and /etc/httpd/conf. d . The data for websites you’ll run with Apache is located in /var/www by default, but you can change that if you want.

Why do we need Apache server?

Apache HTTP web servers are used by over 67% of all web servers in the world. Apache web servers are easy to customize environments, they’re fast, reliable, and highly secure. This makes Apache web servers a common choice by best-in-class companies.

What is difference between Apache and Tomcat?

Apache Web server: Apache web-server is designed to create the web-servers. It can host one or more HTTP based web-servers….Difference between the Apache Tomcat server and Apache web server:

Apache Tomcat Server Apache Web Server
It can be coded in pure JAVA. It is only coded in C programming language.

Is httpd and Apache the same?

Not exactly Apache and httpd are same. Apache refers to apache http server which is an widely used open-source web server whereas httpd is an Hyper text transfer protocol daemon.

Why are Apache servers so popular?

Apache is open source, and as such, it is developed and maintained by a large group of global volunteers. One of the key reasons Apache is so popular is that the software is free for anyone to download and use. Commercial support for Apache is available from web hosting companies, such as Atlantic.Net.

Is Apache a Web server?

Apache, an open-source Web server created by American software developer Robert McCool. Apache was released in 1995 and quickly gained a majority hold on the Web server market. Apache provides servers for Internet giants such as Google and Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia.

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