What is a Golgi apparatus Kid definition?

What is a Golgi apparatus Kid definition?

The Golgi apparatus is an organelle that acts as the packaging center of the cell. It takes in protein, modifies it, and then places it in shipping containers called vesicles. The Golgi apparatus also makes lysosomes, which are organelles that contain digestive enzymes.

What is Golgi apparatus in simple words?

A Golgi body, also known as a Golgi apparatus, is a cell organelle that helps process and package proteins and lipid molecules, especially proteins destined to be exported from the cell. Named after its discoverer, Camillo Golgi, the Golgi body appears as a series of stacked membranes.

What is function of Golgi apparatus?

The Golgi apparatus, or Golgi complex, functions as a factory in which proteins received from the ER are further processed and sorted for transport to their eventual destinations: lysosomes, the plasma membrane, or secretion. In addition, as noted earlier, glycolipids and sphingomyelin are synthesized within the Golgi.

What does the Golgi apparatus look like?

The Golgi apparatus (GA), also called Golgi body or Golgi complex and found universally in both plant and animal cells, is typically comprised of a series of five to eight cup-shaped, membrane-covered sacs called cisternae that look something like a stack of deflated balloons.

What are the two main functions of the Golgi apparatus?

A major function is the modifying, sorting and packaging of proteins for secretion. It is also involved in the transport of lipids around the cell, and the creation of lysosomes. The sacs or folds of the Golgi apparatus are called cisternae.

What is the main function of lysosomes?

Lysosomes function as the digestive system of the cell, serving both to degrade material taken up from outside the cell and to digest obsolete components of the cell itself.

What function does Golgi have?

The Golgi apparatus functions as an organelle found within the cells of the majority of eukaryotic organisms. The Golgi body is found within the cytoplasm of the cell and is part of the endomembrane system. The Golgi apparatus is sometimes referred to as the “post office of the cell.”. It is responsible for packaging proteins into vesicles and sending them out to the correct destinations within the cell, where the proteins are used to carry out the requisite cellular functions.

What are the functions of Golgi bodies?

Functions Of The Golgi Body. The Golgi body, also sometimes referred to as the Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex, is an intracellular organelle that is responsible for the packaging and transport of protein products.

Is the Golgi body a structure or function?

Golgi Body : Structure and Functions Golgi body is a flattened, membrane-bounded, parallely arranged sacs and other vesicles usually located near the nucleus in the cytoplasmic matrix of almost all eukaryotic cells. It is also known as Golgy complex, Golgi apparatus, Golgiosome, Lipochondria and in the plant cell, it is also called Dictyosome.

What is the funtion of Golgi body?

Functions of Golgi body It plays an important role to form the cell wall at the end of the mitosis cell division. They help to form new plasma membrane. They form primary lysosomes. They take part in the protein secretion. Golgi body takes part in the formation of acrosome of the sperm. It is responsible for neurosecretion.

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