What are the top five foods high in iron?

What are the top five foods high in iron?

The top 10 high-iron foods

  • Fortified breakfast cereals.
  • Cooked oysters.
  • White beans.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Organ meats.
  • Soybeans.
  • Lentils.
  • Spinach.

What is the best source of iron for vegetarians?

Good sources of iron for vegetarians include:

  • eggs.
  • pulses.
  • dried fruit.
  • dark green vegetables, such as watercress, broccoli and spring greens.
  • wholemeal bread.
  • fortified cereals (with added iron)

What foods are high in iron and DV?

Spinach is a great source, and it boasts about 20% of your DV in just one cup. Try this flavor-packed recipe for Creamed Curried Spinach. All types of shellfish are good sources of iron, but mussels, oysters, and clams are particularly high in the mineral. Mussels in particular contain 132% of your DV.

What foods are good for absorption of heme iron?

When you eat heme iron with foods higher in non-heme iron, the iron will be more completely absorbed by your body. Foods high in vitamin C – like tomatoes, citrus fruits and red, yellow and orange peppers – can also help with the absorption of non-heme iron. The amount and type of iron in your diet is important.

What foods are high in iron for breakfast?

You can craft many tasty breakfast dishes from foods that are sources of iron. Breakfast foods high in iron include fortified cereals and eggs. Add raisins to oatmeal or have a tofu scramble as other ways to add the mineral without adding lots of unhealthy fat.

What foods to avoid when eating iron rich foods?

Some foods can help your body absorb iron from iron-rich foods; others can hinder it. To absorb the most iron from the foods you eat, avoid drinking coffee or tea or consuming calcium -rich foods or drinks with meals containing iron-rich foods.

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