Are indusium haploid or diploid?

Are indusium haploid or diploid?

5. Is the indusium haploid or diploid? -The indusium is derived from the frond and is therefore diploid.

Which fern generation is haploid?

gametophyte generation
Ferns and horsetails have two free-living generations: a diploid sporophyte generation (spore-producing plant) and. a haploid gametophyte generation (gamete-producing plant).

What is the function of indusium of adiantum sori?

During its development stage, sorus in some plants is covered and protected by a thin flap or a scale of tissue called an indusium. It forms an umbrella-like cover over the sorus. It protects the sporangial cluster from drying, exposure, drying, and other dangers.

Are fern spores haploid or diploid?

Sporophytes can reproduce either by vegetative cloning via their rhizomes or through spore formation via meiosis. Spores, rather than gametes, are the unicellular, haploid products of meiosis in fern plants. Spores in turn undergo mitotic cell divisions to produce the multicellular, haploid gametophyte.

Are Sporophytes haploid?

In the sporophyte phase a diploid (having two sets of chromosomes) plant body grows and eventually produces spores through meiosis. These spores divide mitotically to produce haploid (having a single set of chromosomes) gamete-producing bodies called gametophytes.

Is a fiddlehead haploid or diploid?

frond: The finely divided leaves of ferns; have “fiddlehead” shapes. gametophyte: Haploid generation in the life cycle of a plant; results from asexual reproduction with spores; produces gametes for sexual reproduction.

What is the function of a sori?

Sori are clusters of sporangia found only in ferns (singular: sorus). This is a specialized outgrowth of the leaf that functions in protection of the sporangia. This often has the shape of an upside down umbrella and shrivels before the spores are released.

What type of cell is produced in the sori?

Sori occur on the sporophyte generation, the sporangia within producing haploid meiospores. As the sporangia mature, the indusium shrivels so that spore release is unimpeded. The sporangia then burst and release the spores.

Do Boston ferns have spores?

Although the Boston fern has been around for nearly a century, it has not suffered from ennui as so many indoor plants have. It does not produce viable spores, so the Boston fern must be propagated vegetatively by divisions of the crown or by rooting runners (underground stolons).

Are seeds Sporophytes or gametophytes?

Unlike bryophyte and fern spores (which are haploid cells dependent on moisture for rapid development of gametophytes), seeds contain a diploid embryo that will germinate into a sporophyte.

Where to find Microsorum pustulatum in New Zealand?

In central Auckland you will find this rhizome-creeping fern in most of our parks growing high up on oak trees, while the inner suburbs such as Epsom have lots of it adorning the volcanic rock walls along with the smaller-leafed Pyrrosia eleagnifolia or leather-leaf fern.

What kind of fronds does Microsorum punctatum have?

Microsorum punctatum has a short, creeping rhizome up to 4 mm in diameter and is covered with a thick felt of roots. The fronds are short-stalked and up to 10 mm apart. The narrowly elliptic lamina is simple, and up to 1500 x 110 mm. It has a thin leathery texture and is minutely pitted.

Which is the correct name for Microsorum pustulatum?

From Polypodium diversifolium to Polypodium billardieri, to Phymatodes billardieri, to Micosorum diversifolium, to Phymatodes diversifolium, to Phymatosorus diversifolius and Phymatosorus pustulatum, to currently Microsorum pustulatum.

How did the genus Microsorum get its name?

Microsorum is derived from the Greek word mikrós meaning small, and sorus referring to the small sori occurring in M. punctatum, the type species of the genus. The Polypodiaceae is a large and very diverse fern family with a cosmopolitan distribution.

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