Can diverticulitis cause flat stools?

Can diverticulitis cause flat stools?

In chronic diverticulitis, inflammation and infection may go down but never clear up completely. Over time, the inflammation can lead to a bowel obstruction, which may cause constipation, thin stools, diarrhea, bloating, and belly pain.

What causes flat ribbon stools?

Constipation. Constipation can be a common cause of flat stool that is usually stringy in consistency. Constipation can occur when you don’t get enough fiber in your diet to add some extra bulk to your stool. As a result, your stool may be thinner, flat, and more difficult to pass.

What foods can you eat after a diverticulitis attack?

Breads, Cereals and Grains. Starchy breads, cereals and grains can easily be part of your soft diet after a diverticulitis attack. Choose items that are white or made from refined wheat. Select soft breads without tough crusts.

How to treat bowel movements with diverticulitis?

If the stool shape is abnormal despite non-revealing tests, increasing fiber in the diet can help regulate the bowel movements. I would consider an abdominal CT scan at this point to confirm or exclude diverticulitis as a cause. These options can be discussed with your personal physician. Followup with your personal physician is essential.

Is it bad to eat fiber with diverticulitis?

If not, please state why. Healthy foods can be culprit in some certain diseases. While fiber is good for our health (as some researches said), on the condition of diverticular too much fiber can be so harmful. After understanding the symptoms and knowing what foods to avoid, listening to your body is an important thing you should do.

Do you need a colonoscopy if you have diverticulitis?

Before attributing the changes in the bowel shape to diverticulitis, I agree that the colonoscopy should be done to exclude colon cancer. If the stool shape is abnormal despite non-revealing tests, increasing fiber in the diet can help regulate the bowel movements.

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