What is special arrangement?

What is special arrangement?

Special arrangement means an arrangement that arises as a direct consequence of the illiquid nature of the assets of an AIF which impacts the specific redemption rights of investors in a type of units or shares of the AIF and which is a bespoke or separate arrangement from the general redemption rights of investors.

Do the arrangements?

Plan or prepare for someone or something, as in Who is making all the arrangements for our sales meeting? This expression employs arrangements in the sense of “measures or preparations for a particular purpose,” a usage dating from the late 1700s.

What is the spatial arrangement?

Definitions of spatial arrangement. the property possessed by an array of things that have space between them. synonyms: spacing.

Why are novelty items added to floral arrangements?

Why are novelty items added to floral arrangements? To add interest to an arrangement. John calls the florist to order flowers for his girlfriend for Valentine’s Day and tells the florist to make the arrangement with the most popular Valentine’s flower. Grace is working on a fresh cut flower arrangement for a client.

Will make the arrangements?

1. To organize, plan, or prepare what is necessary (for or to do something).

What is the meaning of make arrangements?

Plan or prepare for someone or something, as in Who is making all the arrangements for our sales meeting? This expression employs arrangements in the sense of “measures or preparations for a particular purpose,” a usage dating from the late 1700s.

What is leaf arrangement?

The arrangement of leaves on a stem is known as phyllotaxy; leaves can be classified as either alternate, spiral, opposite, or whorled. In an opposite leaf arrangement, two leaves connect at a node. In a whorled arrangement, three or more leaves connect at a node.

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