Which of the following fields in IPv4 datagram is related to fragmentation?

Which of the following fields in IPv4 datagram is related to fragmentation?

… fragmentation mechanism involves using the following fields of the IPv4 header: Identification, Fragment Offset fields, along with the MF (More Fragments) and DF (Don’t fragment) flags (Fig. 1). It also needs to adjust values in Total Length and Header Checksum fields for each fragment to represent correct values.

Why is datagram fragmentation an issue in IPv4?

Why IPv4 Datagram Fragmentation required? Different Networks may have different maximum transmission unit (MTU), for example due to differences in LAN technology. When one network wants to transmit datagrams to a network with a smaller MTU, the routers on path may fragment and reassemble datagrams.

Which of the following features is not present in IPv4?

5. Which among the following features is present in IPv6 but not in IPv4? Explanation: There is an anycast address in IPv6 which allows sending messages to a group of devices but not all devices in a network. Anycast address is not standardized in IPv4.

What is IPv4 datagram?

IPv4 is a connectionless protocol for a packet- switching network that uses the datagram approach. This means that each datagram is handled independently, and each datagram can follow a different route to the destination. The header is 20 to 60 bytes in length and contains information essential to routing.

What is fragmentation in IPv4 explain with example?

Fragmentation is done by the network layer when the maximum size of datagram is greater than maximum size of data that can be held a frame i.e., its Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). Since there are 16 bits for total length in IP header so, maximum size of IP datagram = 216 – 1 = 65, 535 bytes.

How is IP fragmentation calculated?

The length of the payload to be fragmented = 201 (IP payload) – 20 (IP header) = 181 bytes. The payload length of each chip is 176 bytes, and the sent packets are divided into two slices: 176 and 5. Therefore: Length of the first fragment = 20 (IP header) + 176 (payload length) = 196 bytes.

What causes datagram fragmentation?

Datagram fragmentation occurs when data packets larger than the maximum length a particular system can handle are routed over a network. If a 4,000-byte packet has to pass through the system, it must first be broken down into smaller pieces, which are eventually reassembled at the destination.

How do you calculate fragmentation?


  1. Maximum amount of data that can be sent in one fragment = 200 – 20 = 180 bytes.
  2. Amount of data sent in a fragment must be a multiple of 8.
  3. So, maximum data sent that can be in one fragment = 176 bytes.

Which are the features present in IPv4?

Characteristics of IPv4 IPv4 could be a 32-Bit IP Address. IPv4 could be a numeric address, and its bits are separated by a dot. The number of header fields is twelve and the length of the header field is twenty. It has Unicast, broadcast, and multicast style of addresses.

What do you mean by datagram fragmentation?

Why IP fragmentation is bad?

IP fragmentation can cause excessive retransmissions when fragments encounter packet loss and reliable protocols such as TCP must retransmit all of the fragments in order to recover from the loss of a single fragment. Thus, senders typically use two approaches to decide the size of IP packets to send over the network.

Why is datagram fragmentation required in IPv4?

Last Updated : 12 Aug, 2019 Why IPv4 Datagram Fragmentation required? Different Networks may have different maximum transmission unit (MTU), for example due to differences in LAN technology. When one network wants to transmit datagrams to a network with a smaller MTU, the routers on path may fragment and reassemble datagrams.

Who is responsible for the reassembly of IPv4 fragments?

The receiving station is responsible for the reassembly of the fragments back into the original full size IPv4 datagram. IPv4 fragmentation involves to break a datagram into a number of pieces that can be reassembled later.

Which is the following field is not related to fragmentation?

Which of the following field in IPv4 datagram is not related to fragmentation? Which of the following field in IPv4 datagram is not related to fragmentation? a. b.

What’s the difference between IPv4 fragmentation and MTU?

The design of IPv4 accommodates MTU differences since it allows routers to fragment IPv4 datagrams as necessary. The receiving station is responsible for the reassembly of the fragments back into the original full size IPv4 datagram. IPv4 fragmentation involves to break a datagram into a number of pieces that can be reassembled later.

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