What is the meaning of irony in literature?

What is the meaning of irony in literature?

At its most fundamental, irony is a difference between reality and something’s appearance or expectation, creating a natural tension when presented in the context of a story. In recent years, irony has taken on an additional meaning, referring to a situation or joke that is subversive in nature; the fact that the term has come to mean something

How is irony used as a rhetorical device?

[T]echnically, irony is a rhetorical device used to convey a meaning sharply different from or even opposite of the literal text. It’s not just saying one thing while meaning another–that’s what Bill Clinton does. No, it’s more like a wink or running joke among people in the know.

What are the three different types of irony?

Irony is a broad term that encompasses three different types of irony, each with their own specific definition: verbal irony, dramatic irony, and . Most of the time when people use the word irony, they’re actually referring to one of these specific types of irony.

When do you use the word ironic in a sentence?

Critics claim the words irony and ironic as they are used in cases lacking a striking reversal, such as “Isn’t it ironic that you called just as I was planning to call you?,” are more properly called coincidence.

What is the difference between irony and situational irony?

In simple words, it is a difference between appearance and reality. On the grounds of the above definition, we distinguish two basic types of irony: (1) verbal irony, and (2) situational irony. Verbal irony involves what one does not mean. For example, when in response to a foolish idea, we say, “What a great idea!” This is verbal irony.

The three different types of irony 1 Dramatic irony Dramatic iro 2 Situational irony Situation 3 Verbal irony

Where does the word Ironie come from in French?

Socratic irony. [French ironie, from Old French, from Latin īrōnīa, from Greek eirōneia, feigned ignorance, from eirōn, dissembler, perhaps from eirein, to say; see wer- in Indo-European roots, or from eirein, to fasten together in rows, string together; see ser- in Indo-European roots .]

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