What does a lavender tube contain?

What does a lavender tube contain?

Lavender-top tube: Contains K2 EDTA. Use: EDTA whole blood or plasma. Send plasma in a plastic transport tube labeled “Plasma, EDTA.” Send whole blood in a lavender-top tube. Gray-top tube: Contains sodium fluoride (a preservative) and potassium oxalate (an anticoagulant).

What do purple top tubes contain?

What is a purple top K2 EDTA tube? It’s a tube coated with spray-dried K2EDTA on its inner wall. EDTA acts as an anticoagulant, binding the calcium ions and interrupting the clotting of the blood sample.

What does the purple tube contain?

Blood Collection Tubes

Tube cap color Additive Function of Additive
Lavender or pink Potassium EDTA Prevents clotting by binding calcium
Gray Sodium fluoride, and sodium or potassium oxalate Fluoride inhibits glycolysis, and oxalate prevents clotting by precipitating calcium.

How much EDTA is in a lavender top tube?

What is the concentration of EDTA in the lavender and pink stoppered tubes? A. The nominal EDTA concentration is 1.8mg EDTA per milliliter of blood.

What is a lavender top tube used for?

Lavender top tube – EDTA EDTA is the anticoagulant used for most hematology procedures. Its primary use is for the CBC and individual components of the CBC. The larger 6 mL tube is used for blood bank procedures.

What is a gray top tube used for?

Grey-top tube (potassium oxalate/sodium fluoride) This tube contains potassium oxalate as an anticoagulant and sodium fluoride as a preservative – used to preserve glucose in whole blood and for some special chemistry tests.

What is K3 EDTA?

In comparison, K3 EDTA is an alternative form of EDTA used as an anticoagulant. However, K2 EDTA influences the MCV of red blood cells at higher concentrations while the increasing concentration of K3 EDTA influences the packed cell volume of the centrifuged blood.

What is the lavender tube used for?

Lavender top tube – EDTA Its primary use is for the CBC and individual components of the CBC. The larger 6 mL tube is used for blood bank procedures.

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