How do you explain rational numbers to kids?

How do you explain rational numbers to kids?

A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction with an integer numerator and a positive integer denominator. Two different fractions may correspond to the same rational number. Every whole number is a rational number. These can be written as N/1 = N, so they are rational numbers.

What are rational numbers with examples?

Any number that can be written as a fraction with integers is called a rational number . For example, 17 and −34 are rational numbers. (Note that there is more than one way to write the same rational number as a ratio of integers. For example, 17 and 214 represent the same rational number.)

What are 5 examples of rational numbers?

Examples of rational numbers are: -2 = -2/1, -5 = -5/1, -14 = -14/1, 1/2, 2/3, 5/8, 3/4, 17/5, . 6 = 6/10 = 3/5, . 25 = 1/4, . 33 = 33/100, 2¾ = 11/4, 3⅓ = 10/3, .

Is 2/3 an irrational number?

The answer is “NO”. 2/3 is a rational number as it can be expressed in the form of p/q where p, q are integers and q is not equal to zero.

How do you get a rational number?

Rational Numbers. A Rational Number can be made by dividing two integers. (An integer is a number with no fractional part.) 1.5 is a rational number because 1.5 = 3/2 (3 and 2 are both integers) Most numbers we use in everyday life are Rational Numbers.

What is an example of a rational number?

Any rational number is trivially also an algebraic number. Examples of rational numbers include , 0, 1, 1/2, 22/7, 12345/67, and so on. Farey sequences provide a way of systematically enumerating all rational numbers.

What is rational number definition?

In mathematics, a rational number is a number such as −3/7 that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction p/q of two integers, a numerator p and a non-zero denominator q. Every integer is a rational number: for example, 5 = 5/1.

What are rational numbers and integers?

A rational number is a real number that can be expressed exactly as the ratio of two integers. An integer is always a rational number. This is because integers can be expressed as a ratio of themselves and 1. For example, the number 5 can be written as 5 / 1.

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