How long does an MRI of the back take?

How long does an MRI of the back take?

The test usually takes 30 to 60 minutes but can take as long as 2 hours.

What does an MRI detect in the back?

MRI can detect a variety of conditions of the lumbar spine, including problems with the bones (vertebrae), soft tissues (such as the spinal cord), nerves, and disks.

What is involved in an MRI of the spine?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine uses radio waves, a magnetic field and a computer. It creates clear, detailed pictures of the spine and surrounding tissues. MRI does not use radiation and may require an injection of gadolinium contrast material.

Is MRI of spine painful?

You won’t feel any pain during the test. But you may feel warmth in the area of your spine being scanned. You’ll also hear a loud tapping or thumping when the image is being recorded. Earplugs or headsets can help block out the noise if it bothers you.

How long does MRI take back?

If you got the MRI through the emergency room you should get the results back that day. Otherwise, if the MRI is “routine” done as an outpatient it can vary from same day up to 2 days.

When to get MRI?

An MRI scan is usually requested after a month or so, if the lower back pain shows no signs of abating. The MRI scan is used as a means of establishing what is causing the pain.

What is a MRI for lower back?

An MRI machine itself is a long tube that you lay down in and take pictures of your insides. In the case of lower back pain, an MRI creates a detailed image of your spine and can pick up injuries, or other changes that may happen as you age.

When is a MRI necessary?

Another important consideration with MRI scans is the timing of when the scan is done. The only time an MRI scan is needed immediately is when a patient has either: Bowel or bladder incontinence. Progressive weakness in the legs due to nerve damage.

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