How do you feed Puffle food?

How do you feed Puffle food?

Puffle-O’s are the main food source for Puffles. They are made out of processed O’Berries. When a player is caring for their puffles, you can feed them Puffle-O’s. This can be done by navigating to the box of Puffle-O’s found under the “Feed your Pet” option and will cost you 10 coins.

Do you need to feed your Puffle On Club Penguin?

Club Penguin Rewritten on Twitter: “Make sure to feed your puffles now so they don’t run away!… “

Can Puffles feed themselves?

Food. There is a large variety of food products that puffles can consume. Puffles can be fed either via their puffle interface, or by walking the puffle to a dedicated feeding station around the island.

Where can I buy Puffle food?

A Puffle Food was a food item that players could use to feed their Puffles. They could be bought at the Pet Shop from the Puffle Catalog or found through Puffle Digging.

How do I Feed my Club Penguin Puffle?

Feeding Your Puffle – If you would like to feed your puffle simply look at the food icon which is on the top of the page. You want to click on your puffle and click the food icon, and then drag down any food that you would like your puffle to eat.

What’s the best thing to do with a Puffle?

Bath- washes your puffle, thus raising its health and rest. Toys- every puffle has some favorite toys that it adores. If all the stats are full the puffle will play differently. If all stats are low it will also play differently. Leash- an item that allows you to walk puffles. Comb- you can comb your puffle so you it boosts the care bar.

What do Puffles do when they are hungry?

Puffles will hop in and whirl around. Double Dish – Puffles eat out of this when they are hungry. Water Dish – a big bowl full of water. Puffles love to drink out of it and they sometimes use a straw. Water Bottle – Puffles drink out of this.

What can you buy at Puffle snack station?

Pizzas are sold in boxes with a different number of slices, and can also be bought for an instant use at the Puffle Snack Station. Cookies – another snack for puffles.

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