Should I give someone my Apple ID and password?

Should I give someone my Apple ID and password?

You shouldn’t share your Apple ID with anyone else. It provides access to personal information including contacts, photos, device backups, and more. Sharing your Apple ID with someone else means you’re giving them access to all your personal content, and it may lead to confusion about who actually owns the account.

What do Apple ID passwords require?

eight characters
Your new Apple ID password must contain at least eight characters, a number, an uppercase letter, and a lowercase letter. You can’t use spaces, the same character three times in a row, your Apple ID, or a password you’ve used in the last year.

What is a good Apple ID password example?

Your password must have eight or more characters and include upper and lowercase letters, and at least one number. You can also add extra characters and punctuation marks to make your password even stronger. Apple also uses other password rules to make sure your password isn’t easy to guess.

How can I see who tried to log into my Apple ID?

From the Devices section of your Apple ID account page, you can see the devices that you’re currently signed in to with your Apple ID:

  1. Sign in to your Apple ID account page,* then scroll to Devices.
  2. If you don’t see your devices right away, click View Details and answer your security questions.

How do I get my iPhone to stop asking for Apple ID password?

On your iPhone click Settings > iCloud. Tap Find My iPhone. Set Find My iPhone to Off. Enter your Apple ID Password and tap Turn Off.

How do I get apps to stop asking for Apple ID password?

To change this, go back to Settings, tap “Face ID & Passcode” or “Touch ID & Passcode”, then turn off Face ID or Touch ID next to iTunes & App Store.

What are some good password ideas?

Use numbers, symbols, capital as well as lower-case letters in random order. Don’t use sequential letters and numbers. Avoid substitution: kangaroo and k@ng@r00 are equally weak passwords, and any brute force attack can crack them. Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts.

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