What is the uncertainty of a Photogate?

What is the uncertainty of a Photogate?

This means that the photogate (and software) can distinguish 2 events that occur 0.1 ms apart as separate events. So, suppose that we consider the uncertainty of a photogate event as 0.1 ms.

How accurate are Photogates?

Vernier photogates have an electronic timing resolution of 1 microsecond. You will, however, typically get measurements with as much as +/-25 millisecond variation.

Can a Photogate measure instantaneous speed?

Using the flag length, and the blocked time, students can calculate speed. The smaller the flag length, the more “instantaneous” the measurement becomes. Using a “Picket Fence” (a card with multiple flags), students can calculate acceleration.

What does Photogate timer measure?

Photogate timers are commonly used in physics laboratories to determine the velocity of a passing object. In this application a card attached to a moving object breaks the beam of the photogate timer providing the time for the card to pass.

What is the purpose of Photogate?

Use the Photogate to study free fall, rolling objects, collisions, and pendulums. Photogates allow for extremely accurate timing of events within physics experiments, for studying free fall, air track collisions, pendulum periods, the speed of a rolling object, among other things.

Can Photogate measure velocity?

What is the purpose of the Photogate?

What is meant by Photogate?

The Vernier Photogate is a general sensor used for measuring speeds, accelerations, and periods of moving objects. It can also be used for freefall, projectile motion, and pendulum experiments. The Photogate works by projecting an infrared beam to a sensor.

Can a Photogate measure velocity?

Why do you need 2 light gates?

When used in conjunction with a datalogger they can measure the time a moving object takes to pass between them, allowing speed to be determined. If two sets of light gates are used, the acceleration of a moving object can be measured by calculating the difference in time taken to move between the two sets.

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