What element has an atomic mass of 212?

What element has an atomic mass of 212?

polonium-212 atom
CHEBI:37342 – polonium-212 atom

ChEBI Name polonium-212 atom
Definition The radioactive isotope of polonium with relative atomic mass 211.988852 and half-life of 0.299 μs.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Supplier Information No supplier information found for this compound.

How many neutrons are in an atom of lead 212?

Name Lead
Number of Protons 82
Number of Neutrons 125
Number of Electrons 82
Melting Point 327.5° C

How many neutrons are in an atom of lead 211?

The ion therefore contains 128 neutrons.

What is the mass number for lead 210?

Lead, isotope of mass 210

PubChem CID 6328175
Molecular Formula Pb
Synonyms LEAD-210 Lead, isotope of mass 210 14255-04-0 210Pb Radium D More…
Molecular Weight 209.98419
Dates Modify 2021-07-24 Create 2005-08-08

Is lead a PB?

Lead (Pb), a soft, silvery white or grayish metal in Group 14 (IVa) of the periodic table. The symbol Pb for lead is an abbreviation of the Latin word for lead, plumbum.

What is the half-life of lead 212?

10.6 hours
Lead-212 has a half-life of 10.6 hours. Its decay chain includes the short-lived isotopes bismuth-212, polonium-212 and thallium-208, which all emit either alpha or beta during decay over about another hour.

What is the chemical symbol of lead?


What is the half life of lead 212?

What is the symbol for lead 211?

Lead, isotope of mass 211 | Pb – PubChem.

What makes lead 208 emit an alpha particle?

Alpha radiation. Explanation: Polonium-212 undergoes alpha decayto produce lead-208, which means that it gives off alpha radiation, i.e. alpha particles. An alpha particle, #alpha#, is simply the nucleus of a helium-4 atom, which means that it contains two protons two neutrons When a radioactive nuclide emits an alpha particle

Who is the creator of chemical element lead?

Bentor, Yinon. Chemical Element.com – Lead. . For more information about citing online sources, please visit the MLA’s Website. This page was created by Yinon Bentor.

How many energy levels are there in lead?

Atomic Structure Number of Energy Levels:6 First Energy Level:2 Second Energy Level:8 Third Energy Level:18 Fourth Energy Level:32 Fifth Energy Level:18 Sixth Energy Level:4 Isotopes Isotope Half Life Pb-202

How many protons and electrons are in lead?

Name: Lead Symbol: Pb Atomic Number: 82 Atomic Mass: 207.2 amu Melting Point: 327.5 °C (600.65 K, 621.5 °F) Boiling Point: 1740.0 °C (2013.15 K, 3164.0 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons: 82 Number of Neutrons: 125 Classification: Other Metals Crystal Structure: Cubic Density @ 293 K: 11.34 g/cm 3 Color: bluish Atomic Structure

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