What is mean by Primi in pregnancy?

What is mean by Primi in pregnancy?

A pregnant woman. Gravida followed by a arabic numeral or preceded by a Latin prefix (primi-, secundi-, etc.) designates the pregnant woman by number of pregnancies; for example, gravida I, primigravida; a woman in her first pregnancy; gravida II, secundigravida; a woman in her second pregnancy.

What is a Primipara woman?

noun, plural pri·mip·a·ras, pri·mip·a·rae [prahy-mip-uh-ree]. / praɪˈmɪp əˌri/. Obstetrics. a woman who has borne but one child or who is parturient for the first time.

What does Peri mean in medical terms?

Peri-: Prefix meaning around or about, as in pericardial (around the heart) and periaortic lymph nodes (lymph nodes around the aorta).

What is Primi size?

Question: What is primi in pregnancy Answer: Primi refers to the first time pregnant woman. It is referred as primigravida. Dr.Priyanka Patel4 years old baby. Answer: Primi refers to the first time pregnant woman.

What Multigravida means?

A multigravida has been pregnant more than once. A multiparous woman (multip) has given birth more than once. A grand multigravida has been pregnant five times or more.

Which prefix means good or normal?

3 Prefix

endo- within, in endotracheal
epi- on, upon, over epidermis
eu- normal, good eupnea

What is a Gravida?

Gravidity is defined as the number of times that a woman has been pregnant. Parity is defined as the number of times that she has given birth to a fetus with a gestational age of 24 weeks or more, regardless of whether the child was born alive or was stillborn.

What is a first time mother called?

a woman who has given birth to one child or who is giving birth for the first time. — primiparity, n. — primiparous, adj. See also: Birth.

What Gravida means?

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