WHAT IS sensor and effector?

WHAT IS sensor and effector?

Receptors (sensors) detect changes in the variable. Control centers (integrators) compare the variable in relation to a set point and signal the effectors to generate a response. Effectors execute the necessary changes to adjust the variable.

What are effectors in the nervous system?

Muscles and glands are called effectors because they cause an effect in response to directions from the nervous system. This is the motor output or motor function.

What are 3 examples of effectors?


  • a muscle contracting to move an arm.
  • muscle squeezing saliva from the salivary gland.
  • a gland releasing a hormone into the blood.

What are receptors and effectors explain with examples?

A receptor detects the stimuli and converts it into an impulse and an effector converts the impulse into an action. An example of a receptor is a light receptor in the eye which detects changes in light in the environment. An example of an effector is a muscle.

What’s the difference between receptors and sensors?

I think that the “translation” is biological vs artificial: sensor and receptor are functionally equivalent, but receptors are grown in the body while sensors are built components of a machine. sen·sor (sĕn′sər, -sôr′) n. 1. A device, such as a photoelectric cell, that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus.

Is the hypothalamus a sensor?

A key sensor for temperature information appears to be the hypothalamus itself, although the hypothalamus also integrates information from other sensors in the body. When the hypothalamus was cooled, the animal increased its metabolic rate and thereby elevated its body temperature.

What are 2 types of effectors in the nervous system?

Are the organs that perform the responses of the Nervous System. There are two types of effectors, the muscles (also called “motor effectors”) and exocrine glands (also called “secretory efectors”). All effectors are stimulated by nerves ie are “innervated”.

What are the 2 types of effectors?

The effectors. Are the organs that perform the responses of the Nervous System. There are two types of effectors, the muscles (also called “motor effectors”) and exocrine glands (also called “secretory efectors”).

What are the two main subdivisions of the nervous system?

The nervous system has two main parts:

  • The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord.
  • The peripheral nervous system is made up of nerves that branch off from the spinal cord and extend to all parts of the body.

What are the two types of effectors in the nervous system?

Which is a function of the sensor and effector neurons?

Sensor and effector neurons Sensor = senses, carries sensory signals from the body to the CNS. Effector = causes an effect = carries motor signals from the CNS to the body. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (functions, antagonistic control) Sympathetic = prepares body for activity = fight or flight response.

Which is an effector in a control system?

Effector is the cell, tissue, or organ that responds to signals from the control center, thus providing a response to the stimulus (physiological variable that changed) in order to maintain homeostasis.

How does information flow from receptors to effectors in the nervous system?

The diagram summarises how information flows from receptors to effectors in the nervous system. Receptors are groups of specialised cells. They can detect a change in the environment (stimulus) and produce electrical impulses in response. Sense organs contain groups of receptors that respond to specific stimuli.

Which is an effector of the sympathetic nervous system?

Effector = causes an effect = carries motor signals from the CNS to the body. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (functions, antagonistic control) Sympathetic = prepares body for activity = fight or flight response. More blood flow to muscles, less to digestive system.

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