What causes reduced engine power on 2003 Chevy Silverado?
When the throttle body fails or becomes dirty, it can trigger Reduced Engine Power mode. One of the most common triggers is a problem with the electronic throttle actuator control (TAC) system. When the throttle body fails or becomes dirty, it can trigger Reduced Engine Power mode.
What does reduced engine power mean Chevy Silverado?
Typically, the “engine power reduced” warning light on your dash means that your vehicle’s performance has been reduced to avoid damaging its engine. The computer in your car, also known as its “electronic control unit” (ECU) has triggered the Reduced Power Mode after it has detected a system failure.
What causes reduced engine power light?
The reduced engine power light comes on when the vehicle’s computer detects a fault in any of the systems that allow the engine to run optimally, such as airflow sensors, throttle sensors and oxygen sensors.
Can low fuel cause reduced engine power?
Although modern fuel injection systems may come in different configurations, they all share many components like fuel injectors, control modules, and sensors. Any of these components can fail and cause your engine to lose power. The fuel system can give you as much trouble as the ignition system.
Why is my Chevy Silverado in reduced power mode?
2003 Chevy Silverado 49,000 miles. Went to start the truck in the morning and the reduced engine power warning came on in the DIC. Manual says it comes on due to overheating and enters coolant protection mode. When I press the gas the truck will not accelerate.
What causes a Chevy Silverado TPS to fail?
Share it! The throttle position sensor (TPS) on the Chevrolet Silverado 1500 is notorious for failure which causes: This issue is related to the throttle position sensor, and can be caused by faulty wiring to the TPS, bad connection at the TPS, or a failed TPS.
What does it mean when GM says reduced engine power?
In some instances, the PCM may actually cut off fuel delivery to the engine, rendering the vehicle undrivable. When this happens, GM’s Engine Reduced Power Mode is being implemented as a “fail-safe” mode (also known as a “limp” mode).