What are the area made by Ottawa Charter?

What are the area made by Ottawa Charter?

Priority areas for action towards health promotion identified by Ottawa charter includes six areas. They are: build healthy public policy, create supportive environment, strengthen community actions, develop personal skills, and reorient health services and moving into the future.

What does the Ottawa Charter focus on?

The Ottawa Charter identifies three basic strategies for health promotion: Advocate – good health is a major resource for social, economic and personal development, and an important dimension of quality of life.

What were the five main components of the Jakarta Declaration?

The conference identified five priorities for health promotion in the 21st century: 1) promote social responsibility for health; 2) increase investments for health development, especially for groups such as women, children, older persons, the indigenous, the poor, and marginalized populations; 3) consolidate and expand …

What is the purpose of Jakarta Declaration?

The ultimate goal is to increase health expectancy, and to narrow the gap in health expectancy between countries and groups. The Jakarta Declaration on health promotion offers a vision and focus for health promotion into the next century.

What are the main principles of health promotion?

The five principles are: (1) A broad and positive health concept; (2) Participation and involvement; (3) Action and action competence; (4) A settings perspective and (5) Equity in health.

What are the 5 strategies of the Ottawa Charter?

Five action areas for health promotion were identified in the charter:

  • Building healthy public policy.
  • Creating supportive environments.
  • Strengthening community action.
  • Developing personal skills.
  • Re-orienting health care services toward prevention of illness and promotion of health.

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