How is your baby developing at 25 weeks?
25 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development. At 25 weeks, your little one is starting to plump up! She’s adding fat every day, which is helping to smooth out the wrinkles in her skin. In your baby’s brain, the cortex is forming layers.
When to see the doctor at 25 weeks?
As for 25 weeks fetal development, baby is growing more fat and more hair too! It’s not likely that you’ll get an ultrasound at 25 weeks pregnant, unless your doctor has ordered extra monitoring for baby. You’ll see the OB once this month if you haven’t already. Starting at week 28, your visits will get bumped up to every two weeks.
How are the lungs doing at 25 weeks?
But at 25 weeks pregnant, those lungs are still very much works-in-progress. Though they are already beginning to produce surfactant, a substance that will help them expand with oxygen after baby is born, the lungs are still too undeveloped to sufficiently send oxygen to the bloodstream and release carbon dioxide when she exhales.
What to do if your blood sugar is elevated at 25 weeks?
If your glucose levels are elevated, you may need further testing. The point of this test is to rule out gestational diabetes. If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, your doctor or their staff will provide you with information on monitoring your blood sugar during the remainder of your pregnancy.
How much movement shoudl I feel at 25 weeks?
Baby would be really quiet for anything up to a week and then It would kick me all day. I did get a little worried at one point cause I didnt feel anything for over 24 hours then it started to make my belly move with the force of the kicks!! Since 28 weeks its been much more regular. Not so much a pattern but I feel baby most evenings.
How does your belly feel at 25 weeks pregnant?
At 25 weeks pregnant, your baby is continuing to grow and gain weight. Those baby kicks are getting stronger and are likely more noticeable. Meanwhile, your growing belly might be getting itchy. Which Trimester? Second trimester
How big is your uterus at week 25?
While many pregnant women have been experiencing baby kicks for weeks, for some first-time moms, week 25 is when in-utero movement finally becomes more noticeable. Helping: Your soccer ball-size uterus is the highest it has been, sitting approximately halfway between your belly button and the bottom of your breastbone.