What is the word torrid means?

What is the word torrid means?

torrid \TOR-id\ adjective. 1 a : parched with heat especially of the sun : hot. b : giving off intense heat : scorching. 2 : ardent, passionate.

What does torrid relationship mean?

Torrid can mean “emotionally charged and passionate,” like a torrid romance in a soap opera. It also describes something that’s very energetic, or something that has an extreme emotional charge — which is why people often apply torrid to intense romantic relationships.

What is torrid growth?

Hurried; rapid: set a torrid pace; torrid economic growth.

Does torrid mean fast?

Hurried; rapid. Set a torrid pace; torrid economic growth.

How do you use Torrid in a sentence?

Torrid sentence example

  1. They were enjoying the trial but were having a pretty torrid time results wise.
  2. I never had torrid thoughts about Josh.
  3. A surprise after their fairly torrid first couple of races, particularly Bahrain where they really were in among the backmarkers.

What is the synonym of torrid?

torrid. Synonyms: hot, burning, arid, heated, parching, scorching, sultry. Antonyms: temperate, fresh, cool, breezy, gelid, frigid, arctic, brumal, wintry.

What does torrid landscape mean?

adjective. subject to parching or burning heat, especially of the sun, as a geographical area: the torrid sands of the Sahara.

What does Tantalising love mean?

Definitions of tantalising. adjective. arousing desire or expectation for something unattainable or mockingly out of reach. synonyms: tantalizing inviting. attractive and tempting.

What is the correct meaning of the word torrid?

Torrid derives from the Latin verb torrēre, which means “to burn” or “to parch” and is an ancestor of our word toast.

What is the meaning of torrid?

Definition of torrid. 1a : parched with heat especially of the sun : hot torrid sands. b : giving off intense heat : scorching. 2 : ardent, passionate torrid love letters.

What is the noun for Torrid?

noun. /ˈtɒrɪd zəʊn/. /ˈtɔːrɪd zəʊn/. [singular] (specialist) jump to other results. an area of the earth near the equator synonym the tropics. See torrid zone in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.

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