What are the 5 literary theories?

What are the 5 literary theories?

What Is Literary Theory?

  • Traditional Literary Criticism.
  • Formalism and New Criticism.
  • Marxism and Critical Theory.
  • Structuralism and Poststructuralism.
  • New Historicism and Cultural Materialism.
  • Ethnic Studies and Postcolonial Criticism.
  • Gender Studies and Queer Theory.
  • What is philosophical criticism in literature?

    Philosophical (or moral) criticism evaluates the ethical content of literary works. However, these critics evaluate the work in its totality, not passages taken out of context. Psychological criticism examines the work in terms of the motivations of the characters and the writers who create them.

    What type of theory is the theory of moral criticism?

    Moral criticism is an example of a mimetic literary theory.

    What are the 4 major critical theories in literature?

    Broad schools of theory that have historically been important include historical and biographical criticism, New Criticism, formalism, Russian formalism, and structuralism, post-structuralism, Marxism, feminism and French feminism, post-colonialism, new historicism, deconstruction, reader-response criticism, and …

    How is literary theory related to the history of Philosophy?

    Literary theory and the formal practice of literary interpretation runs a parallel but less well known course with the history of philosophy and is evident in the historical record at least as far back as Plato. The Cratylus contains a Plato’s meditation on the relationship of words and the things to which they refer.

    Is there such a thing as a moral philosophy?

    And when you step back and think about it, every system of morality is based on a philosophy about life. So we call the approach “moral/philosophical” to encompass all the different worldviews critics apply as they assess literature— ones we traditionally think of as “moral,” and ones that we might find a little more exotic.

    What are the different types of moral theories?

    Types of Moral Theories 1 Utilitarianism: A Theory of Consequences. 2 Deontology: A Duty-Based Moral Philosophy. 3 Relativism: A Theory Based on Experiences. 4 Divine Command Theory: A Higher Power. 5 Virtue Ethics: Always Improve Yourself. 6 Egoism: A Theory Based on Self-Interest. 7 Natural Rights Theory: Human Rights.

    Is there such a thing as moral criticism?

    Quick Reference A tendency—rather than a recognized school—within literary criticism to judge literary works according to moral rather than formal principles. Moral criticism is not necessarily censorious or ‘moralizing’ in its approach, although it can be; nor does it necessarily imply a Christian perspective, although it often does.

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