What is an occlusion in dental terms?

What is an occlusion in dental terms?

Occlusion is defined as the way the teeth meet when the lower jaw (mandible) and upper jaw (maxilla) come together. It is how the teeth contact in any type of functional relationship.

What is normal dental occlusion?

An Ideal Occlusion is the relationship existing when all the teeth are perfectly placed in the arches of jaws and have a normal anatomic relationship to each other. When the teeth are brought into contact, the cusp-fossa relationship is considered the most perfect anatomic relationship that can be attained.

How is dental occlusion treated?

Traumatic occlusion is mostly treated by a procedure called occlusal equilibration in which the chewing and biting surfaces of teeth are grinded to achieve balance and proper alignment. By doing so the pressure on individual teeth is lessened, thereby making them less susceptible to becoming weak or contaminated.

What causes dental occlusion?

Enamel-to-enamel contact areas that occur over time can wear on both the mesial and distal surfaces as a result of the “anterior component of force,” a well-known subject in occlusion. However, abrasive or nonabrasive adjacent materials wear at different rates, allowing abnormal movement of teeth in a mesial direction.

Is centric occlusion the same as maximum Intercuspation?

Centric Occlusion. Centric occlusion describes your lower jaw’s position when all your teeth come together when you take a bite. Spear Education explains that it’s the complete intercuspation (meshing together of the cusps) of the opposing teeth, also known as maximum intercuspation (MIP).

How do you record centric occlusion?

Gently position the four fingers of each hand on the lower border of the mandible. The little finger should be slightly behind the angle of the mandible. The pads of your fingers should align with the bone and stay together as if you were going to lift the head. Bring the thumbs together to form a C with each hand.

How do you fix dental occlusion?

Why is dental occlusion important?

Occlusion is very important to the actual dentistry in terms of providing patients with a stable occlusion so they do not have too much force on any particular teeth, which could damage the teeth in the short or long term.

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