How do I make my HR tag dashed?

How do I make my HR tag dashed?

6 Answers. You could just have =”border-top: dotted 1px;” /> . That should work.

How do I change the color of HR in HTML?

Answer: Use the CSS background-color Property You can simply use the CSS background-color property in combination with the height and border to the change the default color an element. In the following example we’ve changed the color of hr tag to light grey.

How do you write vertical HR in HTML?

To make a vertical line, use border-left or border-right property. The height property is used to set the height of border (vertical line) element. Position property is used to set the position of vertical line. Example 1: It creates a vertical line using border-left, height and position property.

Can we style HR tag?

The HTML tag is used to insert a horizontal rule or a thematic break in an HTML page to divide or separate document sections. The thickness of the hr tag can be set using height property in CSS. Images can be added to make hr tag more beautiful in appearance.

How do you put a dotted line in text?

4 Answers. You can use :after pseudo-element for dotted line and also set display: flex on parent element. With flex: 1 on pseudo element it will take rest of free width.

What are the attributes of HR tag?


Attribute Value Description
Align left center right Used to specify the alignment of the horizontal rule.
size pixels Used to specify the height of the horizontal rule.
width pixels Used to specify the width of the horizontal rule.

Which is the default alignment of HR tag?

Attributes for Specifies right alignment. This attribute controls the alignment of the horizontal rule. The default value is “center” . This boolean attribute causes graphical browsers to display a solid horizontal rule instead of a grooved one.

How to style the HR element with CSS?

How TO – Style HR (Horizontal Ruler/Line) ❮ PreviousNext ❯ Learn how to style an hr element with CSS. How To Style HR Horizontal Line You can use the borderproperty to style a hrelement: Example /* Red border */ hr.new1 { border-top:1px solid red; /* Dashed red border */ hr.new2 { border-top:1px dashed red; /* Dotted red border */ hr.new3 {

How to style hr on a horizontal line?

How To Style HR Horizontal Line You can use the borderproperty to style a hrelement: Example /* Red border */ hr.new1 { border-top: 1px solid red; /* Dashed red border */

What does HR mean in CSS border style?

Hr CSS Style – Change Color Border Style. The HTML element represents a Horizontal-rule and it is used for page break via line. It creates horizontal line, which makes someone to understand that there is an end of the page or a sentence break. We can also design the hr (horizontal-rule) tag to create attractive user-interface.

What does the HR stand for in HTML?

The HR tag is one of the earliest tags or elements that make up the building blocks of HTML. Note: the “hr” in this case stands for “horizontal rule”. It’s been around quite a while, and in the old days of HTML4 it used to be a little easier to style this html tag.

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