How much does a conductor for CN make?

How much does a conductor for CN make?

Freight railway conductors employed by large companies such as CN and Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. earn a starting salary between $75,000 and $78,000 a year.

What is the CN online assessment?

CN Online Assessment Tests If you are chosen to move on in the hiring process, you will be sent an email link to the online assessment tests. These tests are given to help determine how well job-seekers will fit into the company culture and to help determine their skill level and ability to perform their job duties.

What is CN switching test?

The test asks you to put cars in certain orders in the least amount of moves possible. The questions they ask can include anything from “How many times must the locomotive go forward?” to “How many times must the switch be lined to put the cars in order?”

What is the BNSF assessment test?

BNSF Pre-employment Tests BNSF assessment tests consist of a reading comprehension section, basic math skills section and personality assessment section, according to JobTestPrep. Depending on the test and position, additional sections may be included.

How long is CN conductor training?

on the job training can take up to 6 months. although, they are trying to push them through quickly, so maybe 3 months. just depends on how fast he learns the job and what kind of work there is out there. first year conductors usually make around 60-70k depending on what job they are holding and how much they work.

How long is the hiring process for BNSF?

4 answers. It took around a month to be hired.

Will BNSF hire felons?

Does the railroad hire convicted felons? No they do not.

How do you become a CN conductor?

How Do I Become a Train Conductor?

  1. Go to the recruiting website.
  2. Apply for the conductor position with the railroad of your choice.
  3. Upload your resume.
  4. Wait.
  5. Wait some more.
  6. Wait a little bit longer.
  7. Get a reply for a job fair / interview session.
  8. Take a switch test.

What are the interview questions for CN conductor?

The Interview process started with phone call with questions about safety and other scenarios which could happen to you in the field. If accepted then online assessments. (which included) Skills Review Personality Quiz IQ Test etc. If passed then Interview to follow. If you would report a person for safety violation.

What should I know about being a train conductor?

We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.

Do you have to take a railroad switch test?

He also worked for a short-line railroad in Nashville. This quick practice test will help you get prepared for the railroad switch test. When you apply for a job as a conductor, many railroads’ HR departments will give you a test to see if you have an aptitute for railyard flat switching.

How does the Canadian National Railway test work?

For instance, a test taker can either pick the best or worst options or rate a list options according to their perceived effectiveness on the outcome. Grading the answers could either be based on one individual answer or based on a consensus, meaning that test takers may be judged as a group. What Is the Canadian National Railway Phone Interview?

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