Can I drink coffee if I have high blood pressure?

Can I drink coffee if I have high blood pressure?

If you have high blood pressure, ask your doctor whether you should limit or stop drinking caffeinated beverages. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says 400 milligrams a day of caffeine is generally safe for most people.

How long does a cup of coffee affect your blood pressure?

Reviews of caffeine’s acute effect on blood pressure indicate changes of 3-15 mm Hg systolic and 4-13 mm Hg diastolic. Typically, blood pressure changes occur within 30 minutes, peak in 1-2 hours, and may persist for more than 4 hours.

Will quitting coffee lower blood pressure?

Lower Blood Pressure Blood pressure spikes when you drink caffeine. Researchers think it might also keep your arteries from staying as wide as they should for healthy blood pressure. If you cut caffeine, you skip this blood pressure bump and potential complications along with it.

Why does coffee lower my blood pressure?

Answer From Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. Caffeine can cause a short, but dramatic increase in your blood pressure, even if you don’t have high blood pressure. It’s unclear what causes this spike in blood pressure. Some researchers believe that caffeine could block a hormone that helps keep your arteries widened.

Does coffee increase risk of high blood pressure?

Research indicates that coffee may lead to short-term increases in blood pressure. However, no long-term associations with increases in blood pressure or risk of heart disease have been found in people who drink it regularly. Rather, coffee may promote heart health due to its high antioxidant content.

How does coffee lower your blood pressure?

The researchers found those who drank between one and two cups daily had the healthiest arteries. The scientists believe this is due to antioxidants in the coffee increasing the production of nitric oxide, a compound found naturally in the body. Nitric oxide helps relax artery walls, and lowers blood pressure.

How long will caffeine raise blood pressure?

“To see if caffeine might be raising your blood pressure, check your blood pressure within 30 to 120 minutes of drinking a cup of coffee or another caffeinated beverage. If your blood pressure increases by five to 10 points, you may be sensitive to the blood pressure raising effects of caffeine.

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