What should I eat 3 days before glucose tolerance test?

What should I eat 3 days before glucose tolerance test?

The results of this test will be more reliable if you eat a reasonable amount of carbohydrate on each of the three days before the test. Carbohydrate foods include bread, cereals, rice, pasta, potato, other vegetables and fruit. On each of the 3 days before the test you should eat at least 10 ‘serves’ of carbohydrates.

How do I prepare for a glucose tolerance test?

For this test:

  1. DO NOT eat or drink anything (other than sips of water) for 8 to 14 hours before your test.
  2. You will be asked to drink a liquid that contains glucose (75 g).
  3. You will have blood drawn before you drink the liquid, and again 2 more times every 60 minutes after you drink it.

Can you eat before 1 hour glucose test?

During the test, the mother is asked to drink a sweet liquid (glucose) and then will have blood drawn one hour from having the drink, as blood glucose levels normally peak within one hour. No fasting is required prior to this test.

What happens if you don’t fast before a glucose test?

What happens if I don’t fast before a blood test? If you don’t fast before a test that requires it, the results may not be accurate. If you forget and eat or drink something, call your doctor or lab and ask if the test can still be done. They can then tell you if you need to reschedule your test.

Does what you eat the day before affect glucose test?

For a fasting blood glucose test, you can’t eat or drink anything but water for eight hours before your test. You may want to schedule a fasting glucose test first thing in the morning so you don’t have to fast during the day. You may eat and drink before a random glucose test.

Does what you eat the night before affect blood test?

McKnight also mentioned the food or drinks you consume the day or night before a blood test does not impact your test results, unlike what you eat or drink the morning of your test. “It’s recommended that you avoid coffee and other liquids during your fast,” McKnight said.

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